Get Over It/Insults

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You have no idea how many times I have seen people tell other people to 'get over it' when someone insults them, it's not that easy, some people aren't as strong as others. 

"You're ugly!"

How does one get over this? In this world we live in, we're basically being taught that if we're not pretty we won't get dates(not true.) so, how would you feel if you were called ugly and someone told you to get over it. They don't understand how it hurts, how you feel like no one could ever love you now because of your looks. They will never forget what you told them, it'll be in their minds forever, how can one forget that? It'll come back every time they look in the mirror, they see something they hate but I will see them and I see something I love. Looks don't matter and you are very beautiful/handsome to me.

"You can't sing!"

This one has happened to me a lot, I want to be a singer and I even have my own youtube channel called Kat Fallen. People told me I sucked, I couldn't sing, I would never be famous, my mom didn't support my dream at one time. Imagine this; you have a dream and then someone just comes and breaks it, they crush your dream. How would you feel? If you really, really, want to do something, you put your heart into it and someone insults you on it. Like you don't have any feelings, but you know what I've learned? To block them out, everyone will have different opinions on you but the only opinion that matters is YOURS. You can help yourself get better if you just believe.

There are many other insults that hurt, and well I suppose the ones that hurt the most are when your friends insult you and are being serious. You can't get over your friend calling you ugly. They're supposed to be someone who's by your side, helping you, not hurting you! They cut like knives, and it feels like someone is putting acid into your heart. You don't know what to do now, you thought you could trust that person and now they're turning on you?

A girl I knew told me to kill myself, hence know, Im stronger than other people so I wouldn't of cared If I didn't know them but I knew this girl and even though I don't like her it still hurt. Why? I was the shy one of them all, and that's sad, how? Because I remember I used to be so outgoing and I wasn't shy at all, I would crack jokes but I then became afraid of getting judged. I'll talk about anxiety in the next chapter.  It hurt to know that this girl, could tell me to kill myself, she told me no one could ever love me, and you know what hurt the most? My best friend, left me to be friends with the girl who told me to kill myself. 

Why did she tell me to kill myself?

Because she was mad.

That gives you absolutely no right!

If I was mad and I killed someone, would that be okay? NO. Telling someone to kill yourself is actually illegal.

fun fact: if you tell someone to kill themselves
it’s considered encouraging suicide
and you can get a fine of $25,000 and 10+ years in prison.
if they actually commit you can be charged with manslaughter.

so really it’s in your best interest not to be a c/unt.

So please, think twice about what you say and how they can effect people, I know you may not care but others do.

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