Chapter 35 - Punishment

Start from the beginning

"Even in this hellhole they can't diminish your spirit." Hunter's lids burst open, his dark irises drinking her in. His hand moved to the curve of her waist, playing with the edge of her frayed jeans. "Join us. There's still time. We could be together."

Ivy's lip curled into a snarl as she took in the sincerity of his tone. Hunter put on the innocent act with his wide eyes while his palm pressed into her hip. Ivy couldn't believe the words exiting his mouth. Even after everything he'd done and said, he still thought they belonged together. Ivy took a giant step back, putting as much distance between them as she could. Hunter's hand fell limply on his knee, disappointment shining back at her.

"How could you even say that?" she whispered, her voice barely loud enough for her to hear.

"Because for some reason, I can't stop loving you." Hunter got to his feet and approached her. "I made a mistake falling in love with you, but it was the best one I ever made."

He stood in front of her, their chests brushing against one another. Their closeness struck fear in Ivy. She had no idea what this version of Hunter would do if she said the wrong thing. Before she had time to process, Hunter took her by the nape of the neck and slammed his lips into hers.

Ivy went rigid; her eyes doubled in size. She fought her body's instinct to melt into his and continue the dance of their mouths as it had done so often over the past five years. Hunter didn't take the hint. He ran his free hand down the side of her arm and pulled her closer into him by way of pressing his hand into her low back.

She brought her hands to his chest and shoved with all her strength. Hunter fought to keep her, but she wouldn't let up. She bit down on his bottom lip until the coppery taste of blood flooded her mouth. Hunter jutted his head back, and Ivy pounced on the distraction to drive him toward the other side of the cell. She scrambled to her cot and searched for a way to defend herself.

"You bitch," Hunter growled, running a thumb over the blood. "You could've used your words."

"I tried, but your mouth was too busy suffocating mine," Ivy spat. Her body trembled with anger and a hint of fear.

"I didn't suffer a beating at the hands of the Queen for this." He smoothed down his crumpled shirt, a red line spreading across it.

"I never asked you to." Guilt ebbed at her, wondering why he had. She pushed it to the side. She refused to let him get to her. "It doesn't even look like you did. Another manipulative trick."

The flames from the sconce reflected in his eyes, the room growing hotter. Hunter ripped open his shirt and yanked it back to display a set of fresh cuts beginning to heal over. Ivy gasped at the sight. Maybe Hunter still had a soul...

"My punishment for lying." He shrugged the shirt back on. "Didn't even matter. She stole the information from my memories." Hunter did a full body shudder. "Clearly it was all for nothing."

The hope his eyes held earlier had faded by now. He was back to the broken man he had been when he had entered. "I don't know when or even if I'll see you again. Just know, I did love you, even if you don't want to believe me."

A tear slid down Ivy's face as she watched him take his exit. She never wanted to see him again, but she couldn't erase all the good memories they had shared. Five years is a lot of time to spend with someone.

She wiped the tear away before he could see it. She refused to cry over him in his presence. Hunter spared her one final glance, memories of their years together weighing on his gaze. He disappeared through the door, and Ivy fell to her knees, a sob racking her chest.

"Bravo, quite the scene you two put on," a feminine voice sliced through the cell with a slow clap bouncing over the walls. Ivy had been too consumed with the pain to hear her enter.

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