Chapter 23 - Fragile

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The meeting with Calliope couldn't come fast enough. Ivy never opened up the shop. Her nerves sent her into a tizzy and left her stranded on the bed. At least Hunter hadn't come home last night. She wouldn't have been able to take that awkwardness on top of what was happening.

When Ella finally swung by with the car, Ivy let out a sigh of relief. She locked up the shop and sprinted for the vehicle. Marina's smiling face greeted her as she slid into the backseat.

"Hey, thanks again." Ivy buckled herself in. Ella gave a slight wave to say no problem.

"So...Calliope, did anyone warn her we were coming by?" Aura mused as she fiddled with the radio. Marina squeaked but didn't buck up to answer the question. "I'll take that as a no."

"Should we?" Ella pursed her lips, giving the group a quick glance. She turned the car onto a windy street, weaving between patches of forest. At the speed Ella drove, Ivy couldn't watch the blurring shapes out of her window without feeling nauseous.

"I think we're fine?" Marina scratched her head and let out a sigh. "I can call her if we want."

Ivy shook her head. "I think just showing up is fine. She always said we were welcome."

"Plus you don't know who could be listening." Ella's comment caused the whole car to freeze before they burst into a fit of giggles. Still, Ivy knew it was a semi-true statement.

The Pentacle sat back in their seats as Ella continued the path to Calliope's place. She lived on the far edge of town, closer to the road to Portland. Calliope had avoided the smokestacks of the industrial part of town by opting for a place in the mountains. The witches had been out here only a handful of times when Cassie wanted them to work on getting in touch with nature.

The sun had fallen midway through the sky, casting a golden blaze behind the cabin. Daylight savings time hadn't struck yet, affording the Pentacle a few more hours of sunlight. When they pulled up to the house, Calliope's door stood open, her screen door closed. The four women stood shoulder to shoulder as they stared at the beautiful home.

The craftsman architecture shone with a little evidence of age. Twin columns framed the door at the start of the porch. Flowers cascaded over the edges of the flower boxes under stained-glass windows. Ivy imagined Calliope sitting on her porch with a cup of tea in hand just watching the world pass by. She envisioned Cassie playing with her toys on the deck listening to Calliope tell stories. To have a home, a steady one at that, Ivy could only imagine what it must be like.

"Is this the best idea?" Marina broke the silence, looking back at the others. Ivy pushed the wistful thoughts to the back of her mind. She'd never be able to relive her childhood so there was no point in re-imagining the past.

"Is this the best idea?" Marina broke the silence, looking back at the others.

"It's the only way," Ella replied, tight lipped. She made the first move to the screen door and gave it a heavy knock.

What seemed like minutes passed before a frail figure arrived at the door. Ivy wasn't even sure that was Calliope, but when the woman gave them a warm smile, they knew it was she. Calliope flicked the door open and gestured for them to come in.

"My darlings." She opened her arms wide, slightly stumbling back in doing so. "It's been awhile."

"Since the last Council meeting," Aura noted, hugging the elder.

"Oof." Calliope readjusted herself in anticipation for more hugs. Marina followed suit, but Ivy and Ella stood back. "Come sit. Sit. We'll fix us up some tea and you can tell me why you've made the trip to see me."

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