Chapter Nine

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When Rita and Zedd watched from their moon palace they saw that their plan was already falling apart, somehow the rangers had figured out how to break the spell not to mention they had hoped that Kristina wasn't going to break free until the black ranger kissed her. Angry and annoyed, Zedd kicked his chair.

"Zeddy! What are we going to do now?!" exclaims Rita. "They've broken the spell!"

"Don't come crying to me! It was your idea to use those kids to defeat the rangers!" he yelled. "But look where it got us!"

"Oh you give me such a headache! " Rita complained and the two continued to argue until they heard Baboo speak.

"I knew it all sounded too easy, " Baboo commented as he watched from behind the throne with Squat.

"Enough of all of this foolishness! Come my dear we still have work to do! "


"Welcome back Kristina and Shela, it is good to see you both return to your real selves. " Zordon said and the girls we're confused because they had no memory of what had happened previously.

"Thank you Zordon but we don't remember what happened or how we got here, could you tell us what happened? " Kristina asked, she was a little afraid to receive the answer but it was better than not knowing anything.

"Rita and Zedd transported you to their castle on the moon," says Zordon. "They tried to use your knowledge of the rangers to destroy them so,"

"They put an evil spell on you," says Tommy remembering what that was like. "Used you to get to us," before the rangers could explain further, the alarm had gone off. Hearing the noise they turned around and looked at the viewing globe. "Looks like Zedd and Rita aren't done yet,"

"I know this may seem as a shock to you," says Zordon. "But Shela and Kristina for now you must help the rangers defeat the fish monster, Rito and Goldar before they do any real damage,"

"If you're willing to join us," asks Rocky.

"After all that's happened?" Kristina asked, she might not remember what she had done but she couldn't help but feel terrible for whatever those things we're.

"What you both did was under Rita's influence, and no matter what has happened in the past the fact is that we need your help now. " Tommy told them, knowing all too well how they were both feeling.

"I'm in," Shela said holding her hand out to the rangers

"Same goes for me," Kristina said, also holding out her hand.


Meanwhile Goldar and Rito were causing mass destruction everywhere they went, laughing evilly as people ran away from them in fear.

"Oh I love the sound of fear!" Rito exclaimed, holding his sword high in the air causing it to glow a bright red.

"That's far enough you bag of bones! " A voice cried out, catching both villains off guard, on the hilltop in front of them stood the rangers only this time they had two new members.

"What's this? you're betraying us?!" Goldar grumbled not aware that Rita's spell had been broken.

"Much more than that actually monkey breath!" Kristina called out, pressing the power coin on her necklace so it changed into a morpher.

"We're here to take you down," Shela declared, also pressing her power coin and her morpher appeared in her hands.

"Hey wait Sheila, Kristina you're supposed to be on our side!" Rito cried out clearly confused.

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