Chapter eight

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"Hey what's the big idea? " Kristina asked as she looked around to see that she was behind bars. She attempted to escape but when she touched the bars it zapped her, Shela also tried to touch the bars but she was met with the same result. 
"Let us go old man!" Shela yelled as soon as she saw a giant floating head, 
"I can't do that, for this is the only way I can help you. " Zordon explained, Kristina yawned clearly bored. 
"Ugh he's monologuing! I should have brought a book," Kristina commented. 
Luckily the paralysis was only temporary so in a few minutes all of the rangers were back on their feet. Frightened Rito fled much to the dismay of the Guardian, 
"Let's fry this fish, rangers summon power cannon!" Tommy yelled and seconds later a large cannon appeared in their hands, the Guardian made a gurgling noise of protest but it fell on deaf ears. 
"Pink, Charge!"
"Blue, Charge!"
"Yellow, Charge!" 
"White, Charge!” 
"Red, Charge!"
"Black, Charge!"
The Cannon glowed and seconds later six balls of power came from it and destroyed the monster. 
"That will teach you not to mess with us," Rocky said
Back at the command center, all six rangers stood in front of the cage ready to break the spell. 
"Hmm this should be good, " Kristina said being snarky 
"This is your brilliant plan to lock us in a cage?" Shela mocked. 
"You know we could just leave them like this," Aisha commented and everyone looked at her in shock, Kimberly even gasped. 
"Aisha!" She said elbowing her best friend.
“We can’t just leave them like this,” says Tommy. “You know that this isn’t who they truly are,”
“And you know who we are?” says Kristina glaring at Tommy. 
“Yes, we do,” says Adam, as he approached the cage. 
“Your lucky your cute or else I would have killed you,” 
“Kill? We both know that you couldn't bring yourself to hurt anyone let alone kill. " he stated 
"What are you going to do, kiss her? " Shela chuckles evilly. 
"Oh if he does that I'm outta here, " Rocky commented. Kristina blushed. Tommy turned his attention to Shela who was standing by Kristina with her arms crossed. 
“You don’t need to act like this Shela, you aren’t evil,” says Tommy. 
“Oh you have no room to talk buddy,” says Shela rudely. “You were evil once too,” 
“Yes, I was, but my friends helped me, we can help you too,” 
“Like we actually need your help, what if we like our job?” Says Kristina getting in Tommy’s face. 
“It’s not too late you know,” says Shela. “You can join us Tommy, Rita really does miss you,” 
“Yeah right, Rita misses no one but herself,” says Tommy as he shook his head. “You don’t have to do what they say you have a mind of your own,” 
“You don’t know anything about us,” exclaims Kristina. 
“Actually we do,” says Rocky. 
"Your friend told us everything, you're not evil. In fact I'd say you're the furthest thing from it.” Says Billy “You're super kind and loyal, you love animals,” he continued. “You love being creative especially with writing. " 
"What no… but you haven't, " Kristina stammered feeling the memories rushing back to her but the spell fought them off. 
“And you Shela,” says Kimberly. “You're very loyal, trustworthy and you never betray your friends,” she continued. “You enjoy writing and researching anything you could find like paranormal,”
“How… how do you know all this?” questioned Shela as the spell was trying to block the memories. Though, the more Kimberly and Aisha talked about her, the more the spell started to wear off until it dissipated causing Shela to fall onto her knees with a groan and look around. “Um.. Where am I? What am I doing here?” She looked over at the rangers as realization dawned on her. “Rangers? What the?” 
“Shela?” says Rocky. “Is that you? I mean really you?” 
“Of course it’s me,” she looked at her friend. “Kristina?” 
“Alpha, release Shela from the cage, the spell is broken,” Alpha nodded and went over to the control panel and pressed a button opening the bars slightly allowing Shela to step out. 
“No!” yells Krisitina. “What are you doing?!” she continues. “Give me my best friend back! They’ve done something to you!” Still confused, Shela joined the rangers and turned toward Kristina who was still in the cage. 
“Kristina! Snap out of it!” exclaims Shela. “Rita and Zedd placed a spell on us trying to get us to destroy the rangers,” 
“That’s a lie,” Shela tried her best to snap her friend out of it until she got an idea, she looked at Adam and a playful smirk appeared on her face. 
“What?” says Adam. 
“I have an idea,” responds Shela. 
“And I think we know what you're thinking about Shela,” says Kimberly as she turns toward Adam grabbing him by the arm, Kimberly and Tommy push Adam forward. Adam tried not to step forward and turned around. 
“I don’t think this is going to work you guys,” says Adam nervously. 
“Go on Romeo, she’s waiting,” says Aisha with a smile on her face. 
“Oh man, I'm not going to look,” says Rocky as he turns around. Alpha had pressed a button releasing the cage, Adam shyly walked over to Kristina who was backing away. 
“Don’t touch me,” Says Kristina as she backs into the wall. Adam leaned in as Tommy and Billy turned around. Shela, Aisha and Kimberly watch as Adam and Kristina kiss passionately for ten minutes Adam then pulls away as the spell on Kristina breaks and she shook her head looking around.
“Is it over?” says Rocky. “Can we turn around now?”
“Yes you doofuses,” says Kimberly jokingly. “You can turn around now,” The three men turned around just as Kristina realized what just happened.
“Wait a minute? Is this the command center in mighty morphin power rangers?” says Kristina as she was trying hard not to breathe. “Someone pinch me if i’m dreaming,”
“Okay,” says Shela as she pinches Kristina on the arm. Kristina winced and stepped back.
“Not that hard!” she responds. 
“Yay! Your back!” 
“Yeah welcome back,” says Adam as he rubs the back of his neck. 
“Wait a minute,” says Kristina. “Adam?” she continued. “Rocky? Aisha? Kimberly? Billy? and Tommy?” 

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