Chapter five

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Rito, Kristina and Shela started to terrorize the citizens of Angel Grove starting with Bulk and Skull any time someone tried to run either Kristina or Shela shot near their feet. Rito practically threw half of them onto the ground. But before they could do anymore damage, laser beams were shot at their feet causing all three to stop in place. 
“Hold it right there!” yells Tommy as they land in front of Kristina, Shela and Rito. The other rangers landed at the same time and helped the people to safety. Once everyone was out of the way, the rangers faced their enemies. All three were in shock when they saw that Aisha was back at full strength. 
“How?!” exclaimed Shela. “I shot you with a poison tipped arrow! You shouldn’t be moving!” 
“It looks like you didn’t do a very good job,” says Rito stating the obvious. Shela glared at Rito in annoyance but then faced their enemies. 
“You two think a simple poison could stop me?” says Aisha confidently, “It won’t no matter what you throw at us we will defeat it,” 
“Enough talk,” says Kristina, “We need to finish the job we started,” .
“You got that right,” agrees Tommy as Shela, and Kristina pulled out their weapons. 
"On guard Kimmy " Kristina mockingly said, pointing her Katana at Kimberly and challenging the pink ranger to a fight. 
"Your on, Power bow!" Kimberly yelled, summoning her weapon and firing arrows at her enemy who managed to avoid them all. 
"I never liked the color pink, it's a stereotype and everyone seems to believe that it's every girl's favorite color." Kristina declared  as she swung her weapon at Kimberly and while she managed to get a few hits, she didn't do much damage.  
"You know you don't have to do this, you can still let us help you and then you can use your powers for something good. " Kimberly stated as she managed to finally hit her enemy with one of her arrows, enraged Kristina went after the pink ranger harder than ever claiming that she knew nothing. 
"You don't know anything about me, what I've been through, what I've seen or how many people who have looked down upon me! I've never needed anything from anyone and I don't need your help! My only mission is to serve my emperor and empress and destroy you! " Kristina yelled, managing to knock the pink ranger off her feet. 
"Look around you and look at the world. Do you honestly think that you were made to cause destruction?!" Kimberly asked and the words seemed to have an effect on the teal ranger as Kristina dropped her weapon and held her hands to her head as a flashback hit her. 
“This time when I take you down, stay down!” exclaims Shela as she summoned her crossbow. 
“We’ll see about that,” says Aisha. “Power daggers!” Aisha and Shela began to fight. But no matter how close Aisha tried to get to Shela she had to dodge an arrow for fear that she might get hit again. As she dodged the arrows, Aisha tried to watch how her enemy fought. She saw that Shela was mostly fighting on the offensive side which also left her wide open for a defensive attack. Seeing her chance, Aisha tossed her power daggers toward Shela. As Shela saw the daggers flying toward her she suddenly felt like she had seen something like that before. 
"There were hundreds of people in the audience and rows of people behind her, Kristina  recognized where she was, at the Fine arts festival. An event she looked forward to every year because she got to sing and play her clarinet with her friends and this year she was able to sing with her older cousin. Which she didn't expect but it still made her happy, her director walked up to the podium and raised his hands, the choir began to sing a beautiful song. Kristina knew every single word by heart and she also knew that she loved singing. 
"Look at the world, everything all around us, look at the world and marvel everyday.  Look at the world, so many joys and wonders so many miracles along the way." 
Kristina almost dropped to the ground as the memory hit her like a train, what was she doing why was she attacking people? Kimberly seemed to notice her enemy's hesitation and wondered if the girl was attempting to free herself from Rita's spell but then her enemy gazed at her. 
"Nice try pinkie but your tricks won't work on me, " she huffed and made a fist. When Shela saw the daggers flying toward her, a memory seemed to surface. 
Shela was sitting in strange room black bookcases and white floating shelves were all over her walls. Not only was she surrounded by bookshelves but she was also surrounded by 424 books all lining her walls. 
“Where am I?” she thought to herself. She looked over and saw herself sitting on the bed reading a book. Shela also noticed that she was laughing and cheering for whatever was happening in the book, walking in front of herself she saw the title. “The Lost Hero”
Shela snapped out of her thoughts as Aisha noticed what was happening. Before Shela could recover, the power daggers hit her on her wrist and her chest. Her crossbow fell out of her hand as she stumbled into Kristina. Who also looked like she had been through alot, 
"Enough of this, we're out of here." Kristina said just before she and Shela teleported away.
"Hey where did everyone go?!" Rito looked around frantically for his allies, 
"Looks like they've left you empty handed bone head, " Adam stated as Rito grumbled and then teleported away himself. 

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