Chapter seven

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What are you three doing back here?!” exclaims Lord Zedd in anger. He hated that Shela, Kristina and Rito were right back in the palace. 
“I’m sorry,” says Shela this time, “Somehow they were getting the upper hand, we were trying,” she continued. “But we left Rito on earth expecting him to take care of the rangers but he was a coward and took off,”
“We almost had them,” says Kristina. 
“Well if the two of you hadn’t left me on that planet to fight those rangers we wouldn’t be in this situation,” Rito looked toward Shela and laughed slightly. “Right Sheila?” Shela glared at Rito, he was about to get on her last nerves. 
“Call me Sheila one more time you bag of bones and I will kill you myself!” 
“Enough!” yells Rita “You're giving me a headache!” Immediately the three of them went silent as Rita and Zedd started yelling at each other. 
“This is your fault, it was your idea to use teenagers for your master plan! " Zedd exclaimed turning a bright red.
"My fault? You're  the one who decided to use these girls! " Rita yelled back, and the two kept arguing until Rito spoke 
"Hey Ed not sure if this is important but they seem to be getting headaches." If looks could kill, then Rito would be dead due to the angry glare he was getting from Shela. 
"Say another word and you'll be dead, again." Shela snarled. 
"Well then my lovely wife we have to give them their medicine but in the meantime, I'll send a monster to keep the puny power brats busy!" Zedd declared blasting a toy fish and in seconds the small toy was transformed into a fish monster with a trident. Something about this felt different to the two girls, like something about it was wrong. 
"What do we do in the meantime, master?" Goldar asked who no one noticed came in, 
"We proceed with my plan. " Lord Zedd answered and if his mouth could move he would be smirking. “Rito, head down to Earth and help the fish monster distract the rangers,” 
“You got it Ed!” says Rito as he starts leaving the throne room. 
“It’s Zedd!” Kristina and Shela were about to head back to earth “Not you two,” he says. “You two stay here, Rita and I have something else to do with you,” Nervously, the girls looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces. While Rita and Zedd were dealing with the two girls, on earth, the rangers had reunited in the youth center. Knowing what they know about the two rangers they were fighting against. 
“Did you guys find out anything?” asks Tommy. 
“We did,” responds Adam. “Kristina did not have an evil bone in her body,” he continued. “What about you guys?”
“We found the same thing out about Shela,” responds Rocky. 
“Maybe we should give them a chance and help them,” suggested Kimberly. “I mean if you think about it, they weren’t like this until Zedd and Rita came into the picture,” As the rangers were discussing the situation, their communicators went off. They looked around making sure that no one was paying attention and made their way to the locker room where they answered their communicators. 
“What’s the problem Zordon?” 
“Teleport to the command center, immediately,” 
“We’re on our way Zordon,” says Billy. The rangers pressed a button on their communicators and teleported to the command center. 
“Zordon, we’ve found out a lot of information about our enemies,” says Aisha. “but what seems to be the problem?” 
“Look into the viewing globe,” says Zordon as the rangers turned around and saw a fish monster and Rito attacking Angel Grove. 
“Zedd and Rita are not giving up on this, we haven’t caught a break all week,” complains Adam. 
“It seems that they’re trying to distract you from helping the two girls, you must go and stop them,” 
“What if Shela and Kristina join the fight?” questions Kimberly. 
“Well,” says Billy. “I think I might have an idea,” this caught the rangers attention as they turned toward Billy. “I’ve created a device in case we got stuck in this situation again,” he continued as he held up two small buttons. “With these buttons, I've linked it to the cage that Zordon and Alpha had created when Kimberly and I became punks,” Billy handed the buttons to Tommy and Adam. “All you have to do is grab the two girls and they will be teleported immediately to the command center in the cage, from there we can try to break Zedd and Rita’s spell and hopefully bring them back to their normal selves,” 
“Billy, you're a genius!” exclaims Tommy as he took the button as did Adam. 
“Now go,” says Zordon. “Before they do a lot of damage,” 
“Right,” says Rocky. 
“Rangers,” says Tommy. “Back to action!” pressing their power coins, the rangers teleported to the lake. The minute they arrived, Rito and the fish monster turned their attention to their enemies. 
“Back again?” says Rocky. 
“Don’t you knuckleheads ever quit?!” exclaims Tommy. 
“We will never quit!” says Rito. “And here’s our present to you, Tengas!” as Rito yelled that, the tengas appeared in the sky and landed in front of the rangers. The rangers started to fight the tengas as much as they could, knocking each of them down. “Oh and one more surprise,” he continues. “Get them!” At that moment, Shela and Kristina appeared and launched their attack on the other rangers. 
“Oh man,” says Rocky. “this isn’t good!” As Shela and Kristina were heading into battle they saw the fish monster and suddenly they stopped in wonder immediately drawn into a flashback. 
Shela and Kristina were back in a dorm room this time sitting on their beds watching youtube, on YouTube they were watching a man with brown hair playing a game called “I am a fish” they were laughing throughout the video and their eyes had started to fill with tears from laughing so hard. 
“I can’t wait to see your reaction to what happens,” says Kristina as they watched the man try to make his way through a crowd of dancers without getting knocked over. Eventually the fish had flown into the air and landed in a cup of alcohol. One of the character models had lifted the cup to his mouth and drank the drink without thinking about what was in it. 
“You did not just drink me,” says the man in annoyance. 
“Hey!” yells Rito. “What are you two doing?! Enough of the slacking!” Snapping out of their thoughts Shela and Kristina ran at the rangers trying to attack them. 
“Tommy! The plan!” yells Billy. 
“Right,” says Tommy. “Adam, you take Kristina, I'll get Shela,” quickly Adam and Tommy went after the two girls trying to grab them so they could send them to the command center and place the girls in the cage. While Tommy and Adam did that, Billy, Aisha, Rocky, and Kimberly continued to fight the tengas only to get hit with seaweed, the minute they got hit they felt electricity spread throughout their body making them fall; the rangers looked over at the monster that had attacked them as it made a gurgling noise. 
“We’ve got to get rid of that monster!” exclaims Aisha as they stood from their spot slightly weakened, the monster attacked them and the ranger fought bravely. Meanwhile, Adam and Tommy were busy trying to get close to the two girls. Finally when they were at arms length Adam and Tommy grabbed onto the girls’ arms and pressed the button down on them sending the two girls straight to the command center and trapped in the cage.

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