Chapter three

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“Goldar! You and that Lantera monster go down to Angel Grove and stop those power punks!” exclaimed Lord Zedd as Goldar and the Lantera monster obey and head to Angel Grove. Meanwhile, Tommy, Kimberly, and Billy are just outside of Angel Grove. They searched for the green flower when all eyes landed on it at the same time Goldar and the Lantera monster appeared before them. 
“You have got to be kidding me,not these eggheads again,”
“We won’t let you get that flower!”
“Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way,”
“Tengas!” exclaims Goldar as the tengas appeared from the ground and attacked the rangers.
"You know I'm really starting to hate birds," said Billy with a sarcastic tone to his voice before giving the tenga in front of him a swift kick in his stomach and punching him square in the beak.
Come on bird brains come and get me!" Tommy exclaimed delivering roundhound kicks and several punches onto the foot soldiers trying to surround him. As her friends were fighting, Kimberly began fighting the tengas doing her back flips and tripping one tenga causing it to fall on top of three others.
While their friends were going after the flower, Adam and Rocky went to try and talk some sense into the two girls that they knew were under Zedd and Rita’s spell. They were able to track them down to the Angel Grove library where they saw the girls looking through some books. Adam and Rocky hid around the corner and waited until the two girls split up. Rocky followed Shela until he caught up with her, "hey stop I need to talk to you," Rocky said and Shela turned to look at him.
"Rocky what are you doing? Are you following me? " She asked and Rocky crossed his arms.
"Drop the act, I know who you really are, " he stated and she looked confused
"What act?" She asked and then she turned around to run away but Rocky grabbed onto her, she glared at him and her eyes flickered purple "No man is allowed to grab me like that! " She yelled and punched him sending him flying into a nearby wall. He panted but quickly got up, "I should have known that you would be a threat to, I regret not firing at you!" She exclaimed with pure fury in her eyes
"Yeah while I'm not crazy about you either sweetheart, " Rocky said, preparing for another attack.
While Rocky and Shela fought, Kristina was sitting on a bench outside of the library. Adam stepped out of the library and saw Kristina. “Oh, there she is, I can do this,” he thought to himself as he made his way over to her.
“Do you mind if I sit down?” he said standing next to the bench. Kristina looked up at Adam with an eyebrow raised. Thinking that was a yes, Adam sat down next to her. When he knew no one was listening he turned toward Kristina. “I know who you are and I also know that you don’t mean to attack us,” he continued. “Let us help you and your friend,” Kristina narrowed her eyes toward Adam.
“Now why would I need your help?” she said as she started to stand up. Adam grabbed her wrist.
“Because we had a friend who was in the same situation,”
“Unhand me now,” says Kristina. “Or you’ll regret it,”
“No, not until you listen to me,” Kristina tried to snatch her wrist away but Adam wasn’t about to give up on her.
“Or I could do this,” Kristina turned her wrist and grabbed onto Adam’s flipping him on to his back. The impact had hurt Adam allowing his grip to slip, as Kristina was starting to walk away. Adam stood up, “I’m done playing nice, you want to fight then I will fight,”
The tengas had all flown off and now it was Just Goldar and the Lantera monster.
"Is that you've got you golden baboon? " Tommy taunted and Goldar growled, and being the coward that he was he flew off leaving the Lantera monster on its own.
"Come on guys it's  morphin time! " Tommy called out.
Aisha watched from the command center wishing she could help her friends. But she wouldn’t give up, they couldn’t form the megazord without her and if she had to go out there slightly weak. Then she was going to do exactly that.
“Zordon, let me go out there and help my friends,”
“I’m afraid I can’t allow that Aisha, your still too weak, the poison could slow you down,”
“But my friends are in trouble,” she argues.
“We need you here Aisha,” says Alpha. “They’ll bring back the flower then you’ll be fit to help fight,” Aisha sighed and looked at the viewing globe with worry flashing across her face.
“But what about Rocky and Adam?”
“Alpha, locate Adam and Rocky,” says Zordon.
“Right away sir ay ay,” Alpha pressed two buttons and the viewing globe changed to reveal Kristina, and Shela fighting Adam and Rocky. Aisha watched as she noticed that her friends were starting to lose.
“This is getting us nowhere!” exclaims Rocky as Adam reunites with his friend. “I think we need to take this up a notch,”  Adam said, pulling out his morpher.
"You wanna raise the stakes fine, we can do that." Kristina said pressing the power coin on her necklace and it changed into a morpher, and Shela quickly followed.

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