Chapter 18 - I'm Sorry

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A/N - Disclaimer, my PC isn't working, so I have to write on my phone, so sorry if some words aren't spelled correctly, my auto-correct on my phone isn't great e.e
Also, homophobic slurs are mentioned.

-Kirishima's POV-

"I-I'm sorry." Before he could say anything I got off the bed and ran out the door.

'I can't believe I've done this' I thought to myself as I bolted onto the campus' streets. I fucked up the one friendship I vallued the most, he trusted me and I broke his trust, of course a faggot like me had to go and kiss the hottest fuy I've e ver known without his consent.

I don't even know if he's gay, I blacked out after asking him, I was in such a fucking trance.

"Good job Kiri, you fucked it up."

The next week I avoided him like the plague, I changed my seats in all classes we had together, I went out for lunch and dinner everyday instead of eating in the cafeteria and asked Kami if I could sleep in his dorm, I lied to him and told him that Bakugou and I had a fight, he didn't ask for details.

I felt like shit, I was avoiding my best friend, and lying to the others. Bakugou also looked like he was not all right, his anger outbursts were worse than ever and more frequent, I really fucked up, and I'm such a fucking pussy for not dealing them heads on, not manly at all...

It was now Friday and I was coming back from my last class when I was interrupted.

"Oi! Shitty-Hair!"

'Oh God no, just keep walking, pretend you didn't hear him' I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt a strong hand grab my arm.

"Can you fucking stop! I tried to give you time and respect your personal space, but I'm fucking done!" He turned me around to look at him but I couldn't.

'A faggot like me doesn't deserve to look at him'

"Stop thinking that shit!"

'W-What?! How did h-'

"I know you too fucking well, don't you even dare to talk to yourself like that!"

I couldn't believe how fucking stupid I was. I couldn't hold it back anymore, I felt my eyes getting watery and teats started falling down my face, and before I knew it, he was holding me in his arms, hugging me and patting my back.

"I don't fucking hate you..."

'Yes, yes you do, you should'

"I never would"

'Why? Even I hate myself, why wouldn't you?'

"You are too fucking important to me."

"Why is a faggot like me that implrtant?" My tears stoped all of the sudden, only anger left in my voice.

"What the fuck did you just say?!"

"Why would a faggot like me, be THAT important to you? I'm just a nobody that the only thing he can do is pretend to be happy. I'm trash, and you know it. I kissed you without consent, I have strange and stupid feelings towards you all the fucking time and just pretend that I see you as nothing more than a friend. I have fantasies about you liking me back, like that would evee hap-"

Before I could finish, his lips met mine. 'W-Why is HE kissing ME?!'
'He tastes like caramel'

"Don't you EVER fucking say those things, I won't fucking allow it, you are the most beautiful fucking ray of sunshine that has ever set foot on this shitty ass planet, you are not a faggot, and if anyone ever calls you that, I will personally kill them. And lastly, NEVER! EVER! Assume that I don't like you or that I don't share the same feelings you do."

Bakugou started...crying.

"I don't know if I like guys, but I fucking like you! More than just friends, I want to fucking hold you in my arms and tell you how unbe-fucking-livious gorgeous you are all the time. I have my problems and so do you, but we can teach each other how to fix them, you're already doing it. I would never tell anybody shit like this, but with you..." Bakugou's sniffles died down. "With you I feel like I can break all the walls down, and show you who I fucking am, a soft piece of shit with a really hard exterior."

'Bakugou likes me?'

" like me, as more than friends?" He nodded.

That was all the confirmation I needed, I grabbed his cheecks with both my hands and kissed him, with all the passion I had.

After what felt like ages we broke the kiss, gasping for air.

"I'm sorry for running away, not very manly." I chuckled.

"Yhe, that wasn't very manly, but you'll make it up for it anyways."

"What do you mean?"

"Eh, only time will tell." He started walking away before turning back. "By the way, I've always imagines myself as the bottom with you." He continued walking away into the dorms leaving me there stuned with a red face in the middle of the street.

"You coming or what? I've missed your presence in that fucking dorm, it's like a fucking haunted house in there without your shitty laughs."

I came back to reality after being in a not very apropriate day-dream. I smiled at him and ran towards him, grabbing his hand when I finally reached him. He blushed a little and held thight to my hand while still trying to keep his bad boy attitude.

I can't belive that this is happening, he really likes me, as much as I do him.

A/N - Hey guys, I would just like to say that I really relate to kiri in here, and if you do, I just want to remind you, that you are worth it, you are enough, and you are beautiful, and to whoever says otherwise "your mom's a hoe" hope ya'll get the refference hehe.
But really, be proud of who you are, and if you aren't, I am, I'm very proud of you, and proud that you keep going even though the world is against you.

Papa Rodra is out!
Ohhhh and yhe, next chapter I will introduce a new character, they are my OC, hope you enjoy her. ;)

The Hardest Word ~Kiribaku~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ