Chapter 5 - What The Hell?

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-Bakugou's POV-

I separate from Shitty-Hair and walk into my class, I like art and all but damn, history? Fuck this! Why do I need to know what some ugly ass dude that wore wigs and died centuries ago did? I can make my own art without looking at that shit, and they were all so fucking boring, just a bunch of naked women laying on somewhere random, like a sea shell or a fucking random ass garden. Like what? What in the actual fuck? I'm pretty sure that painting was only an excuse so that people could look at naked women, it's like...really old porn or something, kinda creepy if you ask me.

I enter the room and there were a bunch of nerds talking with each other, I go to one of the empty desks and sit ignoring everyone and wait for the next shit teacher to walk in. "Hey dude!" I hear a voice coming from the desk behind me, I turn around and see that Pikachu bastard sitting there. For fuck sake, not again...

I ignore him and turn back around but he pokes my back "Hey! Don't ignore me." I turn back again and I control myself to not punch his stupid dunce face when he says. "So, you're majoring in plastic arts as well? That's cool, you didn't answer me when I asked earlier." "That's because I didn't want to answer you dunce face!" I 'quietly' scream at him. "Oh, dude no need to get aggressive, I'm just glad that I get to see a familiar face in here." And as I was about to make his face familiar with my fist the teacher walks in. A long haired woman wearing glasses walks in, and I'm pretty sure every guy's jaw dropped to the floor when they saw her, you could feel the teenage hormones in the air, by all means, she was gorgeous, but not my type if you get what I'm saying. She began presenting herself.

"Hello class my name is Mrs. Kayama, I'll be your art history teacher while you're here. We can start the class once everyone has picked up their jaws off the ground and placed them at their respective place."

I sneaker to myself "Hehe, I like her."

It wasn't much of a class because it was the first day, so she just went on about how classes were going to proceed and all that boring shit, and finally let us out a while before the class was supposed to finish, I didn't object and picked up my bag to leave but got interrupted by Andy Warhol's painting come to life. (That's Kaminari, the one Bakugou calls Pikachu usually)

"Hey, you planning to do something before next class?"

"Definitely not with you idiot." I growl at him.

"Oh come on dude, I don't know anybody else here and I don't want to be left alone, only until next class." he makes puppy eyes at me.

I sigh, he looked pathetic. "Ugh, okay." He smiles heavily. "Thank you dude! Oh, I never got your name, what is it?"


"Oh, okay, mine's Denki by the way."

"Don't care." I say as I leave the room, Pikachu runs up to me yelling for me to wait.

We walk around campus for a bit until we reached the gaming centre, he looks at me and asks. "Oh, right, wanna play a game? I'm pretty good at ping pong." "Tch, as if you could beat me!" I say smirking to myself knowing that that yellow haired punk would never beat me. "You bet? Let's go in then." Now listen, the only reason I even agreed to this asshole's request was because I am a very competitive person and I need to win at everything, if that wasn't the case I would've never went with him to that stupid gaming centre.

"Told you." I say with a blank expression on my face.

"I-I was...defeated..." I see his dramatic ass almost start to recite Shakespeare when he stops, looks up at me and smiles. "Damn, you had me there."

"Of course I did." why did I agree to this, now he'll think we're friends like that other Shitty-Hair...speaking of him, where could he be? He must have finished his class by now, given that it was only a presentation to all the teachers. Wait...WHAT THE HELL! WHY AM I EVEN THINKING OF HIM?! Urghh...

"Hey, you okay dude?" said the banana fucker while looking at me with a concerned look.

"Fuck off!" I scream at him and walk out of the gaming centre, him following behind me. "Hey dude, no need to be rude." 

"I have a class to go to, it's almost time, go away!" I yell at him and see him look at the time and running off waving a goodbye. "Tch, what an asshole." I say to myself heading to my next class, which was PE. Shitty-Hair did say we had the same classes apart from the ones specific to our areas, so as expected I see him standing there, with some pink haired girl next to him. He notices me and waves. "Hey Bakugou!" I go from a annoying yellow haired prick to an annoying red haired prick. Great...

"So how did your art history class go?" He asks me with that huge ass smile on his face, I swear to god I'm gonna go blind from him smiling so much.

"None of your business Shitty-Hair!" I tell him before the pink haired girl intervenes, why do these extras all have unnatural colored hair? "Hey, you two know each other that well for you to call him names like that?"

"Fuck off, Pinky!" I yell at her.

"Geez, take a chill pill dude." What did she say? I'm not very used to people talking back to me so that took me by surprise. "Uh?" "Calm down Bakugou, this is Mina, she likes to be called by her first name, she is majoring in dance."

"Well, nice to meet you Bakugou, Kirishima as already told me a little about you." I look at him and notice him blush a little. I shake her hand to avoid confrontation and we head inside. We separate from Pepto  Bismol before heading to the boy's locker room to get into gym clothes. I couldn't stop myself to look over at Shitty-Hair while he takes his shirt off, and I was not expecting him to actually be almost as toned as me. He must workout a lot too...wait, I'm...I'm staring at him...FUCK! Stop being such a gay mess Katsuki! I know we gays are supposed to have a gaydar but mine never worked, so I have no idea if he even is gay...and even if he was, he's just some shitty haired kid.

"You okay Bakugou?" Fuck! He noticed! I click my tongue and look away pretending like nothing happened.

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