Chapter 4 - A Quick Tour

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-Kirishima's POV-

As we get out of the class I look over at Bakugou, I can't believe he caught me staring at him, I didn't even notice I was doing it, hopefully he doesn't think I'm some creep, well, he doesn't know I'm gay so he probably didn't notice that I was looking at him because I thought he was cute...WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING! Get your shit together Kirishima. You can't have a crush on a guy you just met, and besides, he's your roommate, I don't want things to be awkward between us. But damn, he was cute, I love seeing guys with a nostril piercing, I think it looks so manly...FUCK! I slap my self in the face a couple times to get that out of my head. Bakugou notices and is staring at me, shit. "Oh, sorry about that, sometimes I get lost in my thoughts and that's how I get back to reality." I say after a little laugh, he must think I'm completely crazy. I was waiting for a response like 'The fuck are you doing you lunatic?!' but nothing came, he clicked his tongue and looked forward again, he did that a lot didn't he? Wait? Is he?

"Could you quit your staring? It's making me acomfortable Shitty-Hair."

"Oh I'm sorry, so are you liking the campus?" I ask him as to try to make him forget I was staring at him. "Given that it feels like I'm being observed 24/7, no." he looks at me side-eyed while saying that. I apologize again "I'm really sorry dude, I was just noticing your earring, they look cool and manly, where did you get them?"

"I made them." That surprised me, not only by the fact he made them, but the fact that he responded at all, I was waiting for a silent treatment. "Wow, seriously? They look like they were made by a professional, where did you learn that?" Again I was surprised by a response. "My mom is a jeweler, she taught me a thing or two, not stop nagging me Dumb-Hair." 

"Well I could have done without the insult, but I'm catching on that that's just a funny nickname, so I'll start taking that as such." I continue. "But that's really cool, I learnt music with my dad, he is a music producer and used to have his own garage band. He was the main vocalist, but he also played the guitar and the piano." He isn't looking at me but it seems like he is listening to what I'm saying, that's a start. "So when I was about eight i asked him to teach me to play the guitar, I still have the guitar he gave me when I turned nine, this bad boy here." I say while patting the case on my back where the guitar sat, I had modified it to make it more modern, but it's still the same guitar, still had the same red flames that contrasted a black background with a few stickers from concerts that I would go to adorning the base, Guns and Roses, Twety-One-Pilts, between others. 

He looks at me while I pat the guitar and looks away again. I notice that there is a feign pink on his cheeks, but maybe that's just his complexion, so I don't make much fuss about it, given that his face sported an angry frown. "Hey bro, was I talking to much?" I asked him raising an eyebrow. "By the looks of it, you always talk to much." I laugh. "Well, I guess that's true."

We continue our tour trough the campus with Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Yamada, we are now in the cafeteria, and they are explaining at what hours they are open and that we didn't have to pay for food, given that the costs were already included when we enrolled in U.A. "Ay, that's cool ain't it, I didn't even notice that it was included." I said to Bakugou, but he just remained silent. "Wanna grab lunch here after this?" I ask him, he looks at me and shrugs. "I guess that's a yes, so I'll take it as one." I say putting up a smile and making an 'okay' sign with my thumb.

We keep walking and pass trough the gym, Bakugou seemed really interested in it, well, I guess that explains why he's so toned, the library, the pools, the gaming centre which I was really interested in, an art studio and a music hall and finally arriving at the dorms, damn I see now why this place has such a good reputation, they have EVERYTHING in here. I look over at the teachers as they give their final words.

"Well, we hope  you enjoyed the tour, and as I said before, feel free to talk to any teacher or school employee if you need something." Said Mr. Aizawa followed by Mr. Yamada "We hope you kids have a great time here at U.A ARTS!" He screams that last part, it's like he has megaphone at all times, how does he do that? And with that everyone dispersed, most people walking over to the dorms and some to other places, I look over at Bakugou and hear my stomach rumble. "Well, still wanna go over to the cafeteria and grab somethin'?" I ask and I see him roll his eyes and start heading towards the cafeteria. Nice, I think he's starting to warm up to me. "So, what made you decide coming to U.A. instead of another school?" I ask him while walking side by side with him still maintaining a distance. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he says, with a monotone voice and blank expression. I stop in front of him and tilt my head in confusion. "Well, I asked you, so yhe, I would like to know." I say with a big smile, my eyes closed, I hear him click his tongue and walk against my shoulder, as he keeps walking towards the cafeteria. "My mom got a raise, so we had to move here, this was the closest one." He says still with the same expression, but with a little of warmth in his voice, okay, not really warmth, it wasn't a "don't talk to me you shit" but more of "I will tell you this one time, and that's it" type of tone.

"Oh that must have been hard, how far away are you from where you used to live?" He doesn't answer, instead he goes into the building, oh, I didn't even notice we had reached it. Maybe I asked too much, so at lunch I decided to not make too much small talk and just let him eat his lunch in peace, I bet he said to himself "Thank God this shitty hair isn't talking to me". (he was right, Bakugou was thinking that) I finish eating my lunch and ask him if I can see his schedule to see what classes we have together. I don't know why, but he actually took out his phone and showed me his schedule, maybe it was compensation for keeping quiet while he ate? Anyways, I grab my phone to compare the two and notice that apart from the classes that are specified to our area, we had the same schedule. "Oh, how cool! We have basically every class together!" He sighs as if telling me how that left him frustrated and I laughed. "Oi! What are you laughing at Shitty-Hair?" he asked me with an eyebrow raised. "You have some really funny reactions. I can see that you're not really sociable, and that's kinda cute."


"I MEAN, THOSE REACTIONS ARE CUTE! YOU'RE NOT CUTE! WAIT, NO! YOU ARE CUTE, BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" i was so flustered, my face must have been completely red and my ears burned at the embarrassment, I was about to prepare for my funeral when he starts laughing. Not a "Haha you're so funny laugh", no, it was a "What the fuck are you doing" kinda laugh. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that." I stutter. He looks at me. "I'm stuck with you until the end of this shit aren't I?" he asks me, I'm to embarrassed to even try to answer, he continues. "Might as well be on good terms with you." I let out a sigh of relief and hand him his phone back. He takes it out of my hand and we pick up our plates and put them in the tray holder and leave for our next class. This time we had separate classes, if I remember correctly from seeing his schedule he was gonna have something called "Art History" or something like that, and I was having "Music History" that's a coincide. I hear the bell ring and head on to class, I sit down next to a cool looking girl, she had purple hair with bangs that framed her face and really cool make-up, I smile as I sit next to her. "Hope this seat is not taken." she smiles back "Nah, you can sit there, name's Jirou, and yours?"

"Kirishima!" I smile back shaking her hand. "So you majoring in musics as well?" I ask her. "Yhe, I'm trying to a be a big rock star. And you why you here?" she asks me back. "Oh, well, trying to follow my dad's footsteps, I really admire him." She looks at me and then wonders off for a bit, before turning back to me. "Wait, are you son of Lan Kirishima?!" I smile at her "Yhe that's my dad, wasn't expecting anyone to know him though, people usually don't pay attention to the producers behind musicians." She grabs my hand really excited. "Are you kidding me?! I love the music your dad makes, if your anything like him than I'm sure you're gonna be huge in the industry one day as well!" I thank her. "Wow, thank you, you made my day." Not that it wasn't good already, given that my roommate was a ho- WHOOOOO! Hold your horses Kirishima, you don't even know if he likes guys, and even if he did, you don't even know if he would ever like you. Damn, I'm fucked aren't I?

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