Chapter 10 - Exchange

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-Kirishima's POV-

Eat Kiri, eat to hide your red face, why was he staring at me like that? God that made me really uncomfortable, now I know how he feels when I do it to him.

"These pancakes are delicious!" I say to try to dissipate the awkwardness in the air. He finally puts down his cup of coffee that he had been holding for about a minute straight.

"I guess they don't taste like shit." He shrugs. "Dude c'mon, you gotta be more positive," He glares at me but I don't show any signs of being scared by him. "you gotta admit that these are really fucking good."

"Ugh, I guess so, you happy?" I smile showing my content. "Yep!"

We finish eating those amazing pancakes, I gotta come here more often, and head out into the street, it was Saturday, but this part of town where the college was at was really peaceful, not a lot of people on the street, apart from some students and locals. It's kinda weird that there aren't more tourists here, given the beautiful scenery and the closeness to the beach.

"Hey Bakugo, what do you usually do when you have free time?"

"Uhn?" He looks at me, than back to looking ahead "If I'm not painting, I'm playing some type of sport, or playing some type of video game." I was about to say that I usually did the same, because I already expected for him to not ask me back, but got cut off "What about you?"

"Oh, I usually do the same things, but instead of painting I write and play songs, maybe I can show you one, one day!" I look back at him and he shrugs his shoulders as usual. I start thinking about which one I'll show him, I gotta impress him, since he impressed me earlier with that beautiful painting.

"Hey Bakugou, to what type of music do you listen to?" I gotta know what type of music he likes so I can choose one. "I usually listen to more slow songs or some shit like that." He really is starting to open up to me, he usually doesn't even answer when I ask him something. "Oh, I bet people don't expect that from a guy like you, right?" He, once again, shrugs his shoulders "Never been asked to what music I listen to." "What? Really? I always thought that was one of the first things you ask someone when you're becoming friends with them." He stop for a second and looks at me. "First off, we're not friends, nor are becoming friends Shitty-Hair. Second, I never really had to make friends, back in high-school I was 'accepted' into a group of friends, that I don't give a fuck anymore, they never really cared about me, they hung out with me cause I was attractive and it made me popular or whatever, I just rolled with it, didn't think about it much." Well, just as I thought (thrash, another author's joke, I'm funny, laugh) he was the popular kid back in high-school. But still, it makes me feel bad for him knowing that he never actually had any real friends that cared about him.

"Oh, that sucks, but now you got me! Your first real friend!" I close my eyes and smile as I stand in front of him, doing a super-hero pose. I peak trough my eyes a bit, and see a small grin before it turned to the usual angry face that he was always making. "I said we're not friends Shitty-Hair, let's just fucking go." He walked around me and continued on his way to the dorms and I follow him. "You say that now, but in no time we we'll be the best of friends!" He sighs and ignores me completely.

We keep walking and get to our room, he was in front of me but forgot he didn't bring his key-card and had to wait for me to open it, I slowly take my key-card and slow-motion it towards the key-card. "Fuck off Shitty-Hair, gimme that shit!" He yells trying to grab it. "Nah-ah, you're gonna have to ask politely." I smirk at him, making him even more furious, and trying even harder to get it as I hold it above my head and a bit backwards, making him get closer to me to grab it. "Gimme that shit! I'll kill you!" He shouts. "Whoah dude, be careful, or we're gonna f-" I fall backwards and he falls with me, landing on top of me. "fall." I finish my sentence while brushing my back with my hand that held the key-card. "If you hadn't been playing around like a fucking child, you wouldn't have fallen on that huge ass of yours!" He's still on top of me. "Hey! Are you calling me a fat ass, or saying that I have a fat ass? I'm confused." DID I JUST FUCKING SAY THAT?! "What the fuck are you on about Shitty-Hair?" Still on top of me. "Uhm, bro, you're still on top of me, and it's a bit uncomfortable." 

"Shut up!" he yell, getting up, and taking the key-card with him. "Let's just fucking go in!" I follow him into our room and close the door behind us. I instantly burst into laughter because of what just happened. "Stop laughing it sounds stupid!" I keep laughing. "You are the definition of annoying." He says and starts to chuckle a bit. "Am I hearing correctly? Bakugo Katsuki is laughing?!" I say in a surprised voice still laughing. "Shut up you idiot! I'm human you know? I also laugh when I think some shit's funny."

"Oh, so you taught that that was funny? Gotta do it more often then." I continue laughing, now stopping little by little. "Don't you fucking dare, next time I'll lock the bathroom door and swallow the key, then you won't have anywhere to piss you little fuck!" I got comebacks, don't worry. "Oh, no worries, I'll just piss on your bed." He glares at me, but that look doesn't scare me anymore. "That look doesn't work on me already, by the way." He huffs and grins, laying on the bed and turning on his phone"You really are an idiot Shitty-Hair." "You do realize my name's Kirishima right?" "And you do realize that I don't care, right?" This dude was really persistent. "C'mon, is it asking too much for you to call me by my actual name instead of Shitty-Hair?"

He sighs. "If it makes you shut the fuck up and leave me alone, I'll fucking try to call you by your name, okay?" I smile widely. "Thanks bro!"

"But you have to stop calling me that shit, I've told you already, I'm not your fucking bro." I nod in response. "So, Mr. Sparky it is." He gets up and knocks me in the head, ow, that hurt. "I warned you." "I forgot..." he goes back to his bed and continues to scroll trough his Instagram, and I remember that we haven't exchanged usernames. "Hey Bakugo, what's your usename on Insta?" "Wouldn't you like to know." He chirps back. "Okay then, don't say it, I don't care." I put on a pout and cross my arms. "That won't work on me." Damn, thought I had him there with the reverse psychology. "Oh, c'mon dude, just tell me." He sighs and gives me his Instagram username. "Baku_Kat_Tsuki" I type it in the search bar and he comes up, yep, thousands of followers, as expected. "Cool, I followed you." As I say that I hear his phone buzzing, he looks at it. "Kiri-Red-Shima ?" "Yhe that's me." I hear a ding from my phone, he had followed me back.

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