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In the Morning

Yeona was already waiting outside for Daniel.

7:07 am

7:11 am

7:26 am

Yeona had been waiting for a while already but Daniel was nowhere to be seen.

'Where the hell is he?'

She was starting to grow impatient because her bus would be arriving soon.

After a few minutes she decided to walk alone.

'I knew I can't trust people. He left me... like everybody else'

At the bus stop

Not too long after her bus came and as she was going inside, she heard somebody suddenly shouting.


Yeona turned her head towards that voice and her mood immediately lifted up.


"I'm so sorry. I overslept", he apologized.

Before Yeona could give him a lesson about being late, the bus driver already scolded the two for taking too long.

"Hey, you two! Are you going to get in?"

After hearing that, both of them got onto the bus.

"I'm so sorry. I promise I'm going to make it up to you!", Daniel apologized once again.

"I'll treat you lunch after school today! Deal?"

At school

"Alright class, I want you guys to pair up and do a project about the process of the growth of a chicken"

Ms. Choi stopped mid way to take something out of her bag.

"For that I've got chicken eggs. From now on for the rest of the month, you guys will be the parents of a chicken egg"

She once again stopped talking to pass around some papers.

"On the work sheet you will find the necessities that you need for this project"

Before anybody could choose their partner, Ms. Choi already took over that part.

She called out the names and after what felt like forever for Yeona, it was her turn.

"Yeona and Sunoo"

Yeona's mood immediately dropped because she secretly was  hoping that she would get paired up with Daniel but luck was never on her side.

Besides she didn't even know who Sunoo was.

'Is it a boy or a girl? Are they a nerd or stupid? Are they annoying or quiet?'

Before Yeona could finish her thoughts, she heard something that made her feel some kind of anger.

"Daniel and Yeonji"

'Fuck you Ms. Choi'

Yeona didn't know why she felt that way but she did and it got even worse when Yeonji made her way towards Daniel.

"Hey, you're new right? I'm Yeonji. Nice to meet you", she said in that angelic voice of hers.

But for Yeona it was just pure evilness.

At this point Yeona was just glaring at her sister but soon got interrupted by a sweet voice.

"Um, can I take a seat?", that lovely voice said.

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