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"Yeona unnie!Yeona unnie!Unnie!", Jinah continuously shouted.

Yeona just groaned and turned to the other side not standing the little girl's shouts.

And then it hit her.


Yeona rushes out of bed completely forgetting about Jinah and straight to the bathroom.

She quickly washed up, brushed her teeth and got dressed.

As she was storming down the stairs, she ran into a few other kids who were just as tired and sleepy as her.

"Good morning Yeona noona!", a little boy shouted as she made her way to the front door.

"Sweetie, you haven't even had breakfast yet!", a middle aged woman shouted while holding two plates in each of her hands.

But it was already too late because Yeona already exited the house.

At the bus stop

Luckily she was still able to catch the bus on time.

"I'm sorry mister but I don't have any money with me. My son is in the hospital dying right now! Please help me!", an old lady shouted out loud.

"I'm sorry ma'am but that's against the law. I can't let you on this bus without paying for it.", the bus driver said apologetically.

The woman kept begging but the bus driver kept denying her.

'Pathetic. These people are shameless. Using pity to get what they want'

"Ma'am please stop wasting our time. We all still have somewhere to be and you begging right now doesn't help.", Yeona suddenly bursted out with a hint of anger and annoyance.


Everybody was shocked by he sudden outburst. She wasn't wrong but she definitely could have been a bit nicer.

"One ticket please", a boy suddenly appeared.

He payed for the ticket and the old lady kept on thanking him.

'What an act'

She also payed for a ticket and took a seat on the bus.

A few minutes into the ride, she felt someone staring at her.

Yeona looked around the bus and locked eyes with the boy that payed for the old lady's bus ticket earlier.

She gave him a quick glare and turned back.

Just a few minutes later the bus came to the next stop.

Yeona's stop.

So she got out of the bus.

As she almost reached school, somebody grabbed her wrist wanting to stop her.

Out of reflex she twisted that somebody's wrist causing them to let a groan slip out of their mouth.

"S-stop, i-it h-hurts. Please!"

Yeona let go of the wrist and took a look at their face.

It was the boy from earlier.

"What do you want?", she said annoyed already.

"I want to get to know you", he said cheerfully like she didn't just twist his wrist.

Yeona raised an eyebrow giving him the 'wtf-look'.

"Get lost", she fired back before turning around and focusing on the road again.

She couldn't see his face but she knew that he was speechless.

In class

"Did you hear about this new transfer student from America? I heard that he's hella handsome. I can't wait to see him!", Yeona heard some girls squealing.

She just rolled her eyes.

'Fuck men'

When she reached her seat, she saw something on her table.

'Meet me on the rooftop during lunch break', it said.

She knew exactly who it was, so she just sat down without questioning it.

"KIM YEONJI, MARRY ME!!", it was so loud that Yeona was able to hear it through the loud music blasting out of headphones.

'What's wrong with these people?'

Not long after the teacher entered the classroom with somebody trailing behind him.

The new student.

'The dude from the bus'

Yeona again felt the annoyance in her building up.

"Hello, my name is Kim Daniel. I'm fifteen years old and this is my first day at school, so I hope that we'll be able to get along", he introduced himself.

With a smile plastered on his face he looked around the class spotting a very familiar face whose name he doesn't even know.

The girls started to squeal again.

"YOU'RE SO CUTE DANIEL!", a girl boldly shouted.

Yeona just gave her a disgusted look but being interrupted by the teacher.

"Daniel, you can take a seat next to Yeona", Mr. Jeon said as he pointed his hand at you.


Daniel shot her a small smile while she just kept her poker face.


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