School of Forever Day

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I was in a trance but snapped back to reality when my friend called me from the seat infront of me.

She was asking if I did homework today and I said no. Then she started to talk with me about random things.

Believe me, I tried to focus but the more she babbled, the more she muffled. It's like I'm zoning out out of my own will. I later noticed that the lighting of the whole classroom wasn't consistent. It looked like a giant light is going back and forth outside of the school that causes the lighting of the place to be weird.

I turn my head towards the window and saw the sun go down and come back about 5 seconds later. No sight of the moon, oddly.

It was like days are passing without the nights existing.

I stared at the sun going down and coming back for who knows how long until I was reminded that my friend was still talking and that it'd be rude to ignore her.

I turned my head to pay attention to her for real this time only to get greeted by a character I drew in my book.

Well, technically it's still my friend. The character was an inspiration from her.

She wore a witch hat, a crown circling the part of where the hat protrudes outwards. It has a sun and moon design, just like how children book wizards have star patterns on their outfits. She was also wearing a robe with the same pattern.

It's exactly how I drew her but one thing is different.

She's supposed to have small versions of the sun and crescent moon floating on both sides of her head but the moon was nowhere to be seen and another sun is in its place.

She was talking as I thought of her two suns but suddenly stopped and everything went silent.

I kept looking around, back to back from her stare. It doesn't help how the lighting of the whole place kept changing and shadows kept moving from one side to another.

I felt as if the sun is going faster and so was my heartbeat.

Everything started shaking, like an earthquake. Though, it's impossible to happen on where I lived so this caused me to feel more panic.

It was starting to feel hot but I oddly didn't sweat. However, everyone else was.

They're not moving though, making them look like wax figures slowly melting from the heat, which they probably are. It was like time stopped for me but the rapidly moving sun contradicts it, giving me a headache on the logic of it all.

I decided to stare back at my "friend" who was staring at me from the beginning, just not talking anymore.

As I stared and as she stared back, I was hesitant to blink.

Suddenly, her mouth started to open, indicating she's about to say something.


Everything blacked out and all I felt was shoulder pain.


I woke up in a rather weird position with my mother poking quite hard at my shoulder, of all things she could do to wake me up.

Seeing as I was awake, she stopped and went out of the room. She said to get ready, it was school day after all. Though, it's exam week.

I felt tired and don't feel like getting up. I can't even feel my body.

I decided to blink but ended up back to sleep.

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