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  It was a calm day.

  Me and my mother are at a gas station. We're waiting behind 2 people to go to the counter because I wanted some cheese bread and maybe some other snacks. Though I was too busy on my phone to notice my surrounding until we were at the counter. I looked up and was greeted with confusion.

  The whole place was renovated weirdly. Customers aren't allowed to go around the store to pick their items and instead tells the cashier what they want. There were several complications of this that went around in my head but I shook them off. "Sir, may I get a cheese bread? The cheesiest." My mother asked for me. The employee nodded and turned around.

  What happened next got me more confused. The cold refrigerator that the employee was facing at swapped out by some kind of machinery. In the spot of where the refrigerator, was now a bakery stand.

  What the fuck?

  The employee opened the top and took the cheese bread that had cheese oozing out of it. It's in plastic so it didn't exactly make a mess. He put it on the counter and my mother paid for it. The employee said thank you and we went out.

  The second we were out of the gas station store, the whole place changed to a.... school?

  But what was odd was that I felt like I had no arms nor legs. I looked down to check myself and see a long scaly body. It shocked me that I nearly gasped out loud and nearby students took a glimpse at me. They were also animals but in a vast variety.

  I calmed myself quickly and looked behind me to see a scaly tail.

  And that concludes that I have turned into a snake. This was strange indeed. I felt a bit aware that I was previously in a store and bought some kind of bread with my mother but soon was distracted when a group of friends called me in one of the corridors. I looked at them and they waved back.

  A big lion, a thin and long leopard and a toad was waiting for me. I felt that they were familiar but I couldn't really put my finger on it.... if I have fingers anyway. Without realising, I was already walking along with them.

  "Wanna go chill at the top floor garden?" The leopard suggested. The others nodded and so we went there.

  Sitting on the concrete floor and under the shade of the roof, we ate and watched other students play on the grass under the sunny day. "Say, have you finished your project?" The toad asked the leopard. She answered with, "Hah nope." Which made the toad chuckle.

  The leopard turned to me and said, "Do you wanna come along with us to the carnival next week? I'm sure you got nothing to do right?" I thought for a moment and blurted out a "sure".

  It was surprisingly normal high school talks but in the span of us talking, a dark cloud moved around at the open part of where the sun was shining. I turned to look at why that is happening and was surprised to see a giant cartoon eye on the cloud. It's eyelid was purple and it had long curly eyelashes. It looked at everyone that it could see from up there and chuckled through cloud grumbles.

  I looked at my friends to see that they are shocked also but not as much as me, oddly enough.

  The cloud with the eye spoke, "Now you all don't want a rain to happen, do you? What I want is that you all perform for me. Is that a good deal?" The other animals were hesitant but proceeded to stand on the grass. The leopard smiled, "Hey this could be fun. Let's do it!" And with that she ran to the grassy area. Not having much of a choice, me and the others joined.

  We didn't know what to perform so we looked at the other animals. The rabbit and a mouse was doing a bull play, where the mouse rode on the rabbit like a cowboy riding a bull. Then we looked at the duck quadruplets. They were doing a chorus and the lines they recited were.... odd.

  "Help us! Quack quack! World ends! Quack quack! We will all meet our despairs! Quack quack!"

  It was worrying that I couldn't look away and kept listening to them too deeply that I felt like blacking out.

  And I did.


I woke up to my cats fighting underneath my bed so I hurried to help them out of that.

After shutting my door, I couldn't help but thought how weird the dream I had was.

Pretty sure the weirdest.

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