Apartment Riot

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  I was sleeping over at my cousin's house. To clarify, it was my two best cousins with my uncle and aunt. Although the apartment home they live in inside the dream wasn't the same as the house they live in real life. Heck, in real life, these specific aunt and uncle aren't these cousins's parents but somehow it was normal for me at that moment.

  I was woken up by frantic footsteps of my secondary family members. Eyes slightly blurry from a rough sleep, saw some figures running around checking bags, putting stuff in, zipping them up and took them outside somewhere. Sitting up, I questioned them on what they're doing and my cousin just replied, "There is a riot going on. We'll be moving straight away out of here so get up." With that, I immediately got up and helped them despite not understanding why a riot would be a big deal to an apartment building.

  That is, till on the way to the car on the parking lot after a quick elevator ride, I took glances of strange people in the area. They were in gangs from each other of up to 8 people and it started to worry me. Luckily while heading to the car back and forth carrying bags, nothing bad happened. At the time, I was more so worried about what is going on at the front of the apartment building knowing it's quite a hotspot with the restaurants and stores at the base of the apartment.

  Alas, into the car we go and our uncle drove us out of the parking lot to the front area of the apartment and my worried idea was unfortunately confirmed. There were people with signs in crowds, some vandalizing the stores or even other unfortunate cars that happened to park there since last night. Some were just plain screaming and running around aimlessly, plain mass hysteria but what caused it?

  I watched the chaos relatively far while the car is in a traffic since alot of others probably thought the same to get out of the area as quickly as possible. As I pondered the question in my head, I was rudely interrupted by someone knocking on our car window of the back seat, where me and my cousins sat. Me and my cousins, already shaken to begin with, is nervous upon side glancing on the person who knocked. It was a lady dressed in rather fancy attire, such as a fur coat, a sun hat and even one of those superstar sunglasses. We wanted to ignore the woman and even our uncle, without looking back at us in the driver's seat, told us to ignore her.

  After some time, the cars finally sped up and we got into the highway and while me and my cousins relaxed abit more, we were still frightened to some extent that we decided to stare at our phones to distract ourselves. Being the one sitting on the far right though, I noticed on the left side outside, a motorist was eyeing into the car weirdly. Somehow my uncle knew this and drove faster to attempt at out speeding the motorist. It worked and we drove in silent peace with some music from the radio and the occasional cut off sounds from my cousin swiping at videos in an app. I curled up sideways facing my cousin, still holding my phone. I decided to mess with her bangs and she giggled.

  Then I woke up, exhausted.


No comment on this one, it's strange and very out of context everywhere.

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