University Transfer

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  I was standing in the open gateway to a brand new campus, one I apparently have transferred to despite not even remembering what the University is called.

  Up ahead, there was a line of presumably new students with an obvious senior at the very front leading them. I quickly went in line  and waited with the rest of them.

  "In about 10 minutes, we will depart for the campus tour. Any of whom isn't here will be left behind but ones that are here, please keep up!" The leading senior said, shouting to make sure everyone listened.

  As time passed, we began walking around the campus. At one point, we saw a white building from afar which the senior stated, "That white building is the senior's quarters. If you need help from one of us, you can go there anytime."

  I couldn't help but stare at that white building. It made me realise how large this campus feels because the building's obscurity in the fog about some kilometres away.

  But then again, I do not know how far a kilometre is, it just felt like it.

  We also stopped by one of the cafeterias to eat and the food wasn't bad. One I noticed was that there were other students coming out of nearby buildings, some groggy as it's still morning and some just ready for the day with their backpacks. All I could assume was the buildings they came out of are one of the dorms.

  Fast forward, we got to a building where they handed out our dorm room keys and while I was excited, I was a little anxious on who my roommates might be.

  Later, I arrived at the dorm building. Looking up at it, I was abit intimidated by the amount of floors it has. Luckily, they do have elevators to go up and down with because the stairs would kill even the enthusiastic students.

  Walking down the dim hallway with my many bags, I finally reached the room I'm supposed to stay in for 2 and a half years. I breathed in and out, pushed the keys into the door lock and twisted it open. I was met with a near empty dim room, although darker than the hallways itself. The only furniture I saw were 7 beds, some bunk beds and some just regular beds. What confuses me is the way they were arranged. Two of the bunk beds were in the center while the remaining ones that weren't bunk beds were arranged like flower petals with the wall pillar being the middle point of a flower. Although, it's in a corner so only 3 beds were the "petals".

  With that said, I took the middle of the petal row beds thinking if I was in the middle of 2 of my roommates it would get me to easily be friends with them, whoever they may be.

  But when I finally settled all my things and rested on my blank white bed, I heard a door click with a few sentence exchanges between presumably 2 people. Looking at the door to see who they were, it took me by surprise that they were my old roommates from the University I was in before I transferred here. When their eyes fell on me, I could tell they were equally surprised and with a few seconds of staring at each other, we smiled and began chatting about how it's a coincidence that we were roommates once again.

  "It's unbelievable! We're roommates together again." One of them said. "Yeah, I was surprised to see you Lyza. I was hoping nobody had arrived here yet but seeing as you're here, I'm less concerned." The other remarked.

  I watched as they unpacked the things I'm oh so familiar with. Her kettle that I always used to refill my water bottle, her big clippable fan, both their irons for ironing out clothes straight. It was a warmth I didn't expect in such a cold unfamiliar place.

  After they were finished, they also rested on the beds of both sides of mine. Chatting away til the night, we merely ate snacks while waiting for another roommate or many more.

  However, by the time it was midnight, nobody new had come in at all. It was just us 3 in this vast room with a small table on the opposite side filled with our things, unorganized and messy. Like it used to be.

  We decided to call it a night and slept at around the same time. Lights out and blankets up, we closed our eyes.


I then woke up in my real dorm room bed, immediately seeing the familiar roommate getting ready for her class while the other still snoozes away.

Reading back, unlike other dreams I had, this one I knew exactly the meaning of but it's up to you readers as well to interpret what it means.

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