Missed Graduation Beach Party

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  It was the end of school and everyone happily rushed out of the building to get to their dorms.

  The school building was built on a hill that isn't really that high up when viewed from where the road would go up to the hill but there is a short cliff down on the opposite side into a forbidden forest.

  I wasn't lucky enough today unfortunately. It wasn't just the end of school, it's literally my year of graduation. The school hosted a beach party for kids my grade. I'd say it's better than last year's where the seniors got to go on a trip to some place I don't quite remember. I wasn't involved anyway, shouldn't be bothered.

  I was just carefully walking down the hill and wishing the school would make an actual path to go down to the dorms easier. I somehow ended up on the slippery slopes side and unsurprisingly, I slipped-

  Off the cliff.

  As I fell closer to the pine trees below me, I was too terrified to even scream. Frozen but body still alarmed, I managed to get a hold of some branches on my way down to the ground and... it worked!

  Well atleast it worked enough for me not to get hurt badly. My palms were bleeding and scarred.

  The ground was surprisingly not that solid and probably because it's covered in autumn leaves. Like really covered. Slowly standing up and looking around, the forest was actually silent aside from birds occasionally chirping in the distance. Still, it was terrifying.

  The forest was said to be where illegal activities people would do in and also unexplained creatures being seen by everytime a person tried exploring here. It was enough to traumatise them to not go back apparently.

  I wasn't quite scared because of those two things. As it was still daylight, at the very least, I still can see things without darkness being an issue. What I am scared of is to get lost in this place till night.

  So with that thought, I pushed myself to actually start walking.

  Crumpling and crushing of leaves as I go, I felt as if I should not make loud sounds in the area. I didn't even know if I was walking in the right direction to get to the dorms.

  A few trees passed later, I found a black pickup truck abandoned with it's doors opened. Seeing that it has the police emblem, I assumed something happened here that I shouldn't waste my time imagining. It was old, seats moldy, leaves on it everywhere and plants taking over the bottom half of the wheel. There seems to be no windows and the windshield was smashed in.

  I suddenly had a hunch that I should move forward in the direction of where the truck came from. So I moved quickly. It didn't help that it rained today during the ceremony at school. My school uniform and shoes are now ruined.

  The school would probably be in shock if they heard this happened to me. Maybe they would finally install some safety measures because I cannot imagine more kids falling down here and potentially get lost forever. If they managed to survive the fall anyway.

  Stepping over small puddles, I saw some boxed cargo of unknown items stacked at the side of a dumpster. I decided to check it out for whatever reason. The terrain was beginning to have a slight tilt so I thought I was close and would be fine if I check nearby things.

  But when I got close I saw two figures walking up from down the slope and I quickly ran to hide myself from them behind the stacks of cargo boxes. I was hoping they didn't see me but I kinda knew it was inevitable that they know I'm here.

  It's also possible they're here to pick up the cargo boxes and if that's case, I'd 100% get caught.

  However, I made a mistake that could've made that happen.

  I peeked at the wrong time and found myself face to face with one of them. He had old hair and beard but he didn't physically look old. He looked at me and made a gesture of shushing.

  It was almost eerie on the way he did it, it was slow and creepy. The both of them turned the opposite way, only looking at me to, maybe, warn me to keep quiet. With that, I ran the other way. I didn't care about how much leaves I crushed under my feet.

  Getting higher and higher on the slope, I ran with most of what I had and finally saw some sand covering the leaves. I made it to the part of where I can see a flat land of sand and cement. It was the beach and it's parking lot.

  I made it!

  Tired and panting from all the running, I walked slowly towards the dorm buildings on the other side of the parking lot, opposite of the beach. By the time I got the building of where my room was, two teachers ran to me before I got to the stairs.

  Somehow, my roommates were coming down the stairs at the same time and was shocked.

  They all questioned me if I was okay and one of my roommate even covered my tired body with her pool towel.

  In the midst of their voices, I couldn't really think and was too tired. My eyes slowly closed themselves and my legs went weak. Slowly I looked down and let myself into a sleep I thought I needed from all that.


Next thing I knew, I woke up in my bed. The fan still blowing towards me.

This was a weird one for sure and sadly, I didn't even get to to go on a dream beach party.

Aside from that, I don't really know how to describe this dream.

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