Chapter 7

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Tarfez the Acolyte had watched from behind the heavy arra that hung across the entranceway to the Temple’s guard room, as two tall barbarian thieves cut down the guards. It was custom that at least one Acolyte remain in the Temple at all times, and being the lowest ranking member of the Order, Tarfez had been stuck with the task.
    Moments before Tarfez and the guards had been playing at dice when he heard low whispers coming from the cella, and sent the guards to investigate. It was by pure chance he had heard anything, as he had only approached the heavy tapestry, when he did, that he might pilfer a bit of the wine left as an offering to Bokrug. He doubted that Bokrug even drank wine.
    Now the guards were dead, and Tarfez decided age old custom must be broken. It was beyond comprehension that anyone would dare steal from the Temple, especially during Festival.
    Tarfez raced down the broad steps and across the small square toward the gathered crowd to warn his fellows of the crime. As he reached the edge of the crowd he nearly bowled over Marus and Balloc, who had been gathering the Brethren of Lobon as close to the Temple as they dared, without drawing unwanted attention to themselves.
    “I take it that has something to do with your friends, Marus.” spoke Balloc, cocking his thumb over his shoulder, toward the Acolyte making his was through the crowded Square with considerable difficulty.
    “No doubt you are right, old friend, but it probably makes little difference now,” replied Marus, “We had best be ready to fight, in any event.”
    “I trust you have some plan in mind?” inquired Balloc.
    “Yes, my plan is to try not to get killed.” retorted Marus with hard-edged mirth.

The Two That Came To IlarnekOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora