He had waited after the bell rung to come get the book. A full hallway would only increase the chances of seeing her. Then even more guilt would pile up.

He grabbed his book shutting the locker back again. When he walked towards the library he went by a classroom.

From the corner of his eyes he could've sworn he'd seen Jimin. So, he stepped back and directly look.

In fact there he was sitting up front. He was resting his face on his hands and looked bored out of his mind.

He was so bored he yawned and stretched. Yoongi was barely tall enough to peek through the little hole.

He started waving his hands in hopes of getting his attention. Jimin was doodling on his paper. Suddenly the hairs on the back of his neck stood up making him look up.

It felt like he was being drawn to look to the left. When he did he saw Yoongi jumping and waving his hands.

His eyes widen looking back up front. The teacher was still sitting behind his desk and his worksheet was still empty.

Slowly, he turned his gaze towards Yoongi who still was jumping like a maniac. He had to be here for him.

"Sir?" Jimin spoke up raising his hand. Please stop jumping up and down you're going to catch attention.


"May I use the restroom?"

"Are you done with your work?"

"No sir. Can't concentrate with a full bladder."

"Sure. Blame it on that. Fine. Take the bathroom pass."

Jimin nodded getting up. He walked to the desk and grabbed a wood piece with the words "bathroom pass" poorly written on it.

When he stepped  out he looked for Yoongi. A sudden cold hand grabbed his wrist pulling him.

Jimin freaked out almost smacking the shit out of him. It wasn't until he realized it was Yoongi that he stopped himself from doing so.

He took him to down the hallway and out the door to the patio. It was a bit cool outside although it was quite sunny.

"Ugh. My eyes are not used to the sun without my sunglasses—"

"Save it pretty boy. We have a problem."

"A big enough problem that you having to take me out of class? I'm already failing literature if you don't know. I can barely concentrate in there."

Yoongi showed him the message. "I know you don't like to read but read it."

Jimin squinted putting a hand over the phone to be able to see. "Okay. If I'm reading correct this person is a big fan and...oh shit. Don't tell me..." he finally saw the username.

"Yeah. I didn't know what to tell her. I don't know whether I should just ignore it or reply."

"Ignore it duh! This is you and I-well I am me."

"No shit Jimin." Yoongi replied rolling his eyes.

"I can't believe she recognized you. Why didn't you write like not you?" He asked pacing around nervously.

This wouldn't make Sana fall in love with him. He had no chance now. Especially because he was nothing like Yoongi.

"What is that even suppose to mean? Not write like me? I wasn't trying to. I didn't think she'd recognize it."

"Well shit." He mumbled bitting the inside of his cheek.

"You have to come clean. Tell her it was you who wrote it. That would make her stop thinking it was me."

"No! I can't come clean yet. You said it yourself. I have to try not just give her one yellow paper and be done."

"I didn't think she'd recognize me. This changes things."

"We had a plan. You can't just throw it all away." He said nervously. He couldn't do this without him.

"What am I suppose to do then? Keep writing for you pretending to be you? That doesn't make any sense."

"You can just let me borrow your account and reply to her."

"Uhh no. We're not doing that. Give me the phone back." He said trying to snatch it away.

Jimin held it up and though they were the same height Yoongi wasn't fast enough. "Hey! Give it back! That's my phone asshole!"

"Listen to me first! I have an idea!"

"No! Give it back or else!"

"Or else what? What are you going to—?"

Without thinking about it Yoongi punched his stomach. Jimin kneeled down and he gladly took his phone back as he was struggling to catch his breath.

"Thank you." He said satisfied.

"What...the...fuck?" He said in between coughs.

"I told you to give it back."

"I was going to fucking give it back." He snapped managing to stand up and lean on the wall.

He still had his arm on his stomach for comfort. It really did hurt. As tiny and fragile as he looked that punch nearly ruptured his intestine.

"I know what you're thinking how did this little ass boy punch me that hard? Well, bones hurt so ha."

"Fuck! I was only going to suggest replying to her and telling her that it isn't you. I will be more expressive and the next thing that you write will be expressing my emotions more. That way we can both get what we want."

"Oh. I guess that doesn't sound too bad." He said thinking about it.

"Yeah. Exactly. I was trying to tell you that before you fucking gutted me."

"Sheesh. It couldn't have been that hard."

"Oh it fucking was. I wasn't going to steal your phone. I was trying to explain."

"Maybe don't do it while having my property."

"Noted. Now—"

"Excuse me? What is going on here? Why aren't you two in class?" A teacher asked opening the door.

"Uhh...I...I need to go to the bathroom." Jimin told showing her the pass.

"Is that why I've just seen this boy punch you?"

"I barely touched him." Yoongi said defensively.

Jimin stopped himself from rolling his eyes. He removed his hand from his stomach and straightened up.

"No. It wasn't like that. We were playing around. It didn't even hurt."

"I'm going to have to take you both to the office. This has to be resolved by the principal."

"No, no, ma'am. That's not necessary. We were truly only playing around."

"We really were. I can playfully punch him again so you see what I'm talking about." Yoongi volunteered.

"No! I don't think that's necessary buddy." Jimin laughed nervously giving him a death look.

"No need for that. Get to class both of you or I will take you. Go! Now!"

Both of them scattered like roaches. Yoongi went to the right towards the library while Jimin took the left to his shitty classroom.

They both took about ten steps and turned to look at each other. Yoongi smiled while Jimin flicked him off.

What a start to something so beautiful.

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