für das größere Wohl

336 10 13

The blonde awoke suddenly, beads of sweat were trickling down his neck and his hair was matted and icky. He fumbled around briskly for his wand. 'Lumos' the boy murmured as he raised the stick above his arm. The light barely touched the high ceiling and the elephantine vitreous window let in but a sparse array of moon beams. This in no way aided the juvenile, as he averted his eyes repeatedly, to take in different portions of the room.
Having found his target, he skidded off the bed and approached a pile of uncanny articles. From the ghoulish specimens he procured a human skull that had a long reptilian tail emerging from the back of the cranium. The youth inhaled deeply and breathed into the silver nozzle that was placed at the rear end of the snake-like tube.
The boy begins to shiver uncontrollably and he collapses unto the floor knocking over a glass filled with an acrid green substance, that shatters noisily.
"Gellert?" A female voice comes through. Gellert curses under his breath but replies calmly.
"keine Sorgen machen, Ich bin ok"
("Don't worry, I'm alright")
They converse heartily in German.
A beat. Gellert listens intently at the door until he's convinced she's gone. He then tightens his grip on the skull and draws in a current of air from the hose and expires it immediately.
A fume encapsulates him and from the smoke emerges a slightly older version of the boy, who lay atop a bed intensely absorbed in a cover less book, the moonlight rippling across his platinum curls.
An urgent tapping is heard and the boy in the apparition turns to spot a barn owl perched on the windowsill. He flicks his wand and the owl clambers In, lifting its limb to present the rolled up parchment attached.
The older Gellert unties it and reads the letter fervently and on finishing it places it face up on the bed. A maniacal smile dances on his lips distorting his handsome features into a more beastly demeanor.
The present Gellert's contrastive eyes flick through the handwritten note. Taking to heart each and every word written by the owner of the thin, slanted scrawl. 'Albus' he had a name.
For now all Gellert could decipher of the mysterious Albus, was that he didn't live in Northern Europe. If so they would've crossed paths at Dumstrang. The room he had, or rather would be in was wholly unfamiliar. 'Albus' the name struck a chord.
'Accio' he said pensively and a hoard of newspapers came zooming at him. He whisked through until he found the what he was looking for.
The article was titled; 'Trans-Spezies transformation' he skimmed through until the very end. The account was a German translation of an originally English study done by Albus Dumbledore. This was followed by a long list of his achievements. Was is possible that the sender, Albus, was a Dumbledore-wait-Dumbledore.
Gellert shrieked in excitement, how could he have overlooked this.
He rummaged through a few dusty old books that were sent to him by his great-aunt Bathilda, who had been thrilled to help when he'd shown interest in the history of wand lore. (Unbeknownst to her was his obsession with the elder wand) Being a historian, she was well equipped in the field and went a little further to mention a bit of gossip.
     "You brilliant boy! I was so intrigued by your research. There are a millennia of books I'd like to recommend, but it would be more sensible for you to come over to Godric's Hollow than to transport an entire library to Austria! I'd like to add that there's a clever lad; Albus Dumbledore, who lives just next door. I could introduce you to him. He's incredibly talented and such a charming young man..." Gellert stopped reading he had what he needed. Now all he had to do was get himself expelled.
       "das ist alles für das größere Wohl"
("It is all for the greater good")
he uttered smiling.

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