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Albus had fallen asleep beside his sister who's hand was clutched in his. This reminded him explicitly of Gellert and the thrill of last evening washed over him. Grindelwald encapsulated all his thoughts.
"Albus! Your boyfriends at the door!" Albus stood up.
      "Will you stop calling him that" He told off Aberforth.
      "He's not my boy-" Albus turned as scarlet as the roses that busted through the door.
"What In the name of Merlin is-" Aberforth started but was interrupted by Grindelwald. He too was a furious shade of crimson.
"Umm.. I just thought...last night was..." Gellert fidgeted, muttering to his shoes, his hand ruffling his gorgeous, golden curls, unawares. (Albus found this very cute.) Aberforth smirked broadly.
"I'll leave you two love birds alone then" and he darted off nonchalantly.
"Don't mind him, he's just-"
"Albus?" Gellert said looking up from his shoes.
"I just thought we could take these to your mom's grave" he said pointing at the flowers. Albus was taken aback. "Bathilda seems to grow these in excess" he continued.
"Oh Gellert..." Albus whispered and wrung his arms gratefully around him.
"Albus?" A high pitched voice asked timidly. He broke away.
"Oh! so this is your boy-"
"NOT YOU TOO!" Albus cried irritatedly as Ariana giggled, her oldest brother rarely raised his voice.
"Can't I tag along?" Ariana implored. "I'm sure Aberforth would want to come as well"
"Wha-" Albus paused for a moment to consider. Ariana seemed more grounded recently, she deserved a bit of fresh air.
      "-of course you can Ari" Albus smiled kindly at his sister who grinned back.
"Well I'll just call Aberforth, 'spect he's feeding the goats"...

The quadruple chimed along, heaps of fresh roses clutched in their arms.
"They're gorgeous Gellert" Albus said burning with admiration for his peer.
"Words cannot express how grateful I am fo-" Aberforth continued in a mock voice.
"Drop it will you" Albus cut through, his cheeks Redding in spite of himself. Why did Aberforth, have to stick his overlong nose (quite like his own) in everything.
"How are your goats, Aberforth?" Gellert asked sarcastically. Albus groaned but managed to pass it off as a violent sneeze. 'Not his goats... anything but his goats'
"You know what, pretty boy, I'm starting to see why Albus fancies you" The snide comments concluded there and much to his older brother's displeasure Aberforth ranted on an on about his beloved goats.

They decorated Kendra's grave which took much longer than expected, since they weren't allowed to use magic in broad daylight and then they retired to the thicket of trees behind the cathedral. Albus and Gellert lay freely on the damp grass eyeing the youngest Dumbledores whose shrieks of laughter occasionally penetrated the otherwise serene atmosphere.
"She rarely comes out you know" Albus uttered watching his sister dreamily. Gellert looked at Him with concern.
"I see" was his reply.
"Well.." Albus paused. The fact that Ariana was unstable was a well kept secret, even her existence wasn't well known. But there was something about Gellert something that made him so-
"She's an obscurial isn't she?" Albus lost his train of thought and instead managed to look both appalled and impressed simultaneously. He nodded to a slight extent. How had he known? They'd met a day ago and he'd seen Ariana, only this morning.
      "How did you-"
"She has a powerful aura-unlike any other-around her" he said pensively.
      "When did it?.." Gellert asked curiously and Albus drew closer to avoid being overheard. Why he trusted him? He did not know.
"She was six.. three muggle boys saw her doing magic and when she didn't.."Albus chocked. It was painful recalling how their lives had gone downhill. His father's imprisonment, his mother's death.
"you don't have to..." Gellert said kindly as he placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
A beat.
      "Al Al?"
     "What now, Aberforth?" Albus was annoyed, his younger siblings were adept at ruining moments.
     "Well, Ari wants to get back home and since you're obviously not done yet" Aberforth glared at Gellert.
     "We just wanted to let you know, that we're leaving." He smiled faking innocence.
     "Go on then" Albus replied harshly. Aberforth narrowed his eyes grabbed Ariana and scampered away without a second look. Albus sighed and rubbed his temple. He looked up to see Grindelwald grinning at him.
     "Oh come now, there's go-"
     "Isn't he a charmer" Gellert teased.
     "Oh, Aberforth? He's just worried I'll get distracted." Gellert raised an eyebrow.
      "Should he be worried?" Grindelwald said his lips curling pleasantly, complementing his already handsome features.
      "Er..." Albus managed, his lips parted slightly.
      "we could just get on, you know"
Albus blinked furiously, trying to erase the image that had formed in his head.
       "Get on with what, Gellert?" A slight tremor in his voice as he tried to cover up for his hesitation.
        "Our plans" Grindelwald replied nonchalantly.
         "When you're ready, feel free to tell me what 'our plans' are." Said Albus in a huff.
        "Our plans on wizard dominance, Albus" Dumbledore gaped, obviously horror struck.
        "Merlin's beard you're-"
        "Think of your sister, Albus. Would she be in such a fragile state if we wizards were free? think of all the other young witches and wizards who've had to suffer the same fate, suppress their magic. We must not live in fear, Albus." Grindelwald proclaimed firmly but with ease. He gently prodded Albus' hand, playing with his fingers.
"Join me" He looked directly at the pair of blue eyes that still hadn't lost their sense of shock.
"Your mother didn't deserve this and neither do you"
Albus could feel tears filling his eyes. Grindelwald reached out and ran his fingers along his cheek. Emotions were racing through his mind but he knew... Gellert was right. Albus clutched Gellert's hand which was still on his cheek and nodded weakly. Grindelwald understood.
"You have such pretty eyes" Albus turned flaming red. Gellert smirked and briskly plonked down unto the grass, his folded hands supporting his gorgeous face. The summer sun undulated across his lush curls, intensifying their beauty, daring you to desire. It took all Albus' will power to not get down on one knee and confess his undying love for the boy, who's mismatched eyes now reflected the azure sky. Albus mopped his eyes as latently as he could.
     "So...I've been here like two days and I've heard heaps about your spectacular skill"
     "Really" Albus remarked, apparently startled as he swiftly shoved his damp sleeve behind him.
     "So bescheiden" Gellert chaffed.
     "your blue eyes, aren't the only things that sparkle." Albus wished his skin was better at concealing his now obvious, embarrassment. It seemed like he'd permanently changed color when he was around Gellert. 'Get a grip' he scolded himself inaudibly and tried desperately to evaluate the situation. Firstly, Grindelwald had noticed his numerous trophies, that were neatly lined up on top of his cupboard. He made a mental note, to shove them in the closet, as soon as he got the chance. Secondly, he had to work a memory charm on Bathilda, so she'd keep her mouth shut. Thirdly, he had to learn German, so he'd understand what Gellert just said and fourthly; GRINDELWALD IS CURIOUS ABOUT ME!!!!! His mind continued to race, Gellert on the other hand remained very quiet, awaiting his peer's response, he hadn't expected Dumbledore to be so indecisive.
     "Er..." Albus contrived.
     "It's just that-" 'I'm so in love with you' an inner voice broke out as he desperately tried closing his mind. Albus swallowed 'It's been two days! I can't be in love' he reminded himself.
      "-was that a challenge?"
      "Perhaps" Gellert replied cheerily.
"Well, come on then" Albus said stretching out his hand to help him up. Gellert's grip was strong. Every inch on Dumbledore's skin had lit up, noticing even the slightest movements of the others manus. Albus was confounded. His skin was as smooth as silk, with the exception of his forefingers being callused and rough, possibly because that's where he gripped his wand Albus presumed.
"Umm...I don't suppose you could conjure an Elephant, or whatever it was, you were going to do, here" Gellert said looking around, unperturbed by the fact that Albus hadn't let go of him. The street across the church yard was barely crowded but usurps of Christian hymns resonated through the warm air. Dumbledore had remained silent. Gellert looked at him, slightly provoked by his constant gawking and inability to converse like a normal human being.
"I know I'm pretty, but I didn't realize my beauty could stupefy"
"I-I di-didn't mean t-to-"
        "That's alright Al, Al" Gellert shrugged him off with a perfect impersonation of his younger brother. This broke the enchantment.
         "I was just thinking-" 'I know' Grindelwald thought.
         "-of a place" Albus completed. A small smile was creeping up into Gellert's face. 'sure'...
        "Send an owl when you're done, I'll be here for a few weeks." Albus turned red. Gellert rolled his eyes.
         "diese Schlampe" He added pressure on their still firmly clasped hands and said very slowly, tracing out the words with his fingers.
         "We're-going-to-apparate-now-to-the-first-place-that-comes-to-mind so hurry up!" And with a slight popping noise they were gone.
      'destination determination deliberation' Albus reprised, trying precariously to keep in mind the deserted orchard he'd visited the day his mother died. The green tangle of trees, the ancient willow that maimed him, the smell of moist earth. Gellert on the other hand smelt distinctly of soap and...something familiar Albus couldn't quite place...
       'Pain' was all Albus could think of as he crashed unto the mercifully damp earth, minimizing the impact...
"Albus" Gellert moaned, kissing him over and over again. He opened his eyes to see the blonde inches away from where he ought to be. The pain had subsided and a feeling of euphoria was flooding his veins.
"Are you alright? You splinched pretty badly. I managed to get you back in one piece. Anyway how are you feeling?"
"Great!" 'Though I might feel better if you kissed me' Albus thought, a tad bit despondent.
"Thanks" he said getting up to his feet, shrugging the dirt off his shirt.
"I've never splinched before..." he added as an afterthought, suddenly struck by what a terrible first impression that might have been, concerning his supposed spectacular skill.
"We could walk around for awhile before heading back, if you like?" Gellert added kindly.
"No-I mean yes that'd be lovely, but I could show you a couple of tricks...I was distracted...that's why I-" Albus trailed off.
"Bwittle balbus bwas bwistracted? Now bwittle balbus is covered in filth, nothing a little water couldn't clear up." Gellert said pouty faced before raising his wand.


It started to drizzle. Gradually it intensified to a fully fledged storm.
"Merlin! You just did that?" Albus proclaimed undoubtedly impressed, he had his hand held up, fruitlessly trying to shield himself from the down pour. Gellert dragged him away from the open field towards a canopy of thick leafy trees. The two boys ran for their lives, trying very hard not to fall but ensuring that the other got splashed heavily by mud, as they voluntarily tread on pools of gumbo.
They reached the copse gasping for breath and laughing at the same time. Albus looked up to see Gellert's lofty frame encircled by lanky honey-gold threads that had gone a shade or two darker.
His blue shirt was now drenched and black.
"You're insane" Albus let out mirthfully.
"Now, now, don't be so harsh. At least your shirts still monochromatic." He looked down to see that indeed Gellert had been right, but that it was completely brown instead of white.
"Let me-" Gellert said pompously but was cut off.


"I did think of that you know but...well, this was more...extravagant" Albus rolled his eyes and looked out to see, that the gale hadn't diminished.
"Are you going to make it stop?"
"No" Albus just stared at him.
"I thought it was your turn?"
" that case"
Dumbledore whisked his wand in a complex swishing motion and every single drop tranfigured into hails of ice. For a few moments there was an eerie silence until Albus dropped his wand and plopping sounds were heard from every direction.
Gellert just stood awestruck by his peer's brilliance.
"Have you done that before?"
"Not at this scale, no" Grindelwald looked at Albus like he was seeing him for the first time.
"The storm you brewed up was fantastic" he added trying to pry the attention from himself. Gellert smiled pleasantly.
"Well One things for sure. Whatever distracted you on the way here, deserves an order of Merlin, first class" Albus blushed...

   " 'bout time you got back. How was your date with pretty boy?"
"Oh, Shut up, Aberforth" He looked disgruntled but Albus ignored him and hurried up the stairs.
"Where are you going Ari wants you to-"
"After I've finished" Albus replied.
"FINISHED WHAT!" Aberforth's temper was rising Ariana had been waiting for him and blatantly refused to fall asleep until her oldest brother had returned.
"Sending a letter, Aberforth and keep your voice down" Albus was a little unnerved now.
"SENDING PRETTY BOY LETTERS NOW ARE WE. AN ENTIRE DAY WASN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU TO-" Albus had apparated to the foot of the stairs. He was glaring at Aberforth.
"What does she want"Albus interjected a bit harsher than he intended.
"another word and I swear-" Albus raised his wand warningly and looked over to see Ariana clutching the ends of her night dress, looking appalled.
"Stop arguing...please. Albus just tell us if you're getting late..I won't bother you with story telling then" Ariana spoke softly her voice a few octaves higher than usual.
Albus felt something like a brick drop to the bottom of his stomach.
"I'm sorry Ari..I.."
"It's alright Al. You can spend time with whoever you please" Aberforth opened his mouth to argue but Ariana cut him off.
"And you, drop the teasing, he's had enough" She then stomped off to bed without a word. Aberforth couldn't believe it.
"How come you always get your way?" he spat out the venom increasing with each word.
"Aberforth I didn't me-"
"Go on then, write him that letter you were dying to send" Aberforth mocked.
Albus clenched his jaw but didn't reply. He disapparated into his room.
It was just as he left it. The wide open window drew in cold columns of air, causing the hairs on his hands to lie straight. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash go off in the neighboring window.
Gellert he thought had found his eyes pretty... Albus longed to tell him how much he adored Grindelwald, when his mismatched eyes, became as thin as slits each time he smiled or the way his rosy lips, twirled upwards when he laughed. He wondered what they'd taste like- Albus caught himself. He shouldn't think that, they had just met, their relationship platonic...

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