Chapter 26 °Explanations°

Start from the beginning

"Why did you make a deal with him?" You ask. You've thought about this question for days. You couldn't get it out if your head.

"Honestly," he said looking at you, "I don't really know why myself." He was genuinely confused. He also had thought about it for days and could only come up with one thing...

"Well, ok" It wasn't the answer you were hoping for. "When you figure out why, please tell me." You said bringing your pinky up. "Pinky promise?"

He looked at your hand then back up at you. "What are we? 8?" He smirked as you continued to hold up your hand, dead serious.

He sighed, "Whatever," he wrapped his pinky around yours and shook it. "I promise. There are you happy?"

You smiled and continued to shake his hand. "Yes, yes I am."

He tried to let go but you gripped it tighter. "What are you doing Princess?" He said but didn't try to let go this time.

You chucked, looked at his hand, and gasped. "I never realized how big your hands were Tsukki!" You said as you let go and grabbed his hand with your other one. "It's like two times bigger than mine! See!" You put your hands together and smile.

You looked over to him and saw his other hand covering his face. "W-we're off topic." He said as you pulled away.

"Ah, my bad." You said looking away realizing what you just did. "I-i apologize for being out for so long. I didn't intend to."

He looked back at you with raised eyebrows. "You didn't intend to? What happened?"

"Well," you rubbed the back of your neck. "I guess I'll start from the beginning." You sighed. "Obviously I've had a rough week. And today I came home and walked in on my sister on the phone with my mom saying that she won't visit for other 3 months." You looked down. "So I ran out and accidentally ran into my old friend."

Surprisingly he stayed quite for the remainder of the story. "and that's about it." You glanced at him and saw him rubbing his temple.

"I know, I know." You said waving your arms. "I shouldn't have gone with him if felt uncomfortable and him keeping me in that room for that long is weird."

He looked at you with a smirk, "Glad I didn't have to say it Princess." You laughed. "But really," you saw his face turn serious. "What did you say his name was?"

"Uh, Takahashi." You said as he nodded his head.


"Ok...don't do anything stupid."

He glared at you. "All I have is a name dumbass! What am I going to do? Look him up in a phone book?!" He clicked his tongue.

You cross your arms, "I don't know. Maybe"

He rolled his eyes, "Just tell me if he shows up again. I don't trust him." You nod of your head. "Good, well it is getting pretty late."

You looked at the clock and it read 9:35. You turn back to Tsukki and sneered, "You're such an old man." You get up and he follows you.

"Shut up Princess. Smart people need to sleep." He side glanced at you and clicked his tongue.

You walked him to the door, "Is that why you have bags under your eyes?" He stopped and glared down at you.

"No," he turned away and walked out the door. "I was worried. Let's go get dinner tomorrow? Ok?"

"Only if you're paying!" You joked.

He chuckled, "Was planning to. See you tomorrow, Goodnight Princess."

"Bye Tsukki-poo!!" You waved as he walked down your street shaking his head. You closed the door and immediately as you turned around your sister was in your face.


You covered your ears as she jumped around you. "Yes? What's the big deal?" You said sitting back on the couch.

"Y/n!! Are you serious?! He said he was going to pay! You know what that means?!" She jumped on the couch next to you.

You raised your eyebrows, "uh free food?"

She hit your head, "No! It's a date!!"

"A DATE?!"

If you were wondering how long it takes me to write each chapter then I'll tell you. It takes about 30 minutes everyday to write a chapter or 3-4 hours in one day.

I write for my readers and myself! Thank you so much for keeping my life amazing!

ILY all!!

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