Chapter Nine

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The way the King looked last night made me wonder why he was like that, maybe royal stress.

I  hoped he'd be better this morning after a good night's rest like I was to the extent I struggled to keep my eyes open enough to see my way around the house.

It was morning and Dong Yi had finished preparing everything I needed for the day's expenditure.

Today, I wanted to explore the ancient kind of market, exciting right? But, before I could finish getting prepared, Dong Yi rushed with a level of excitement higher than mine.

“Your Grace, the King has given his permission to stroll the market today but, with the...” she was interrupted by a loud voice from outside.

“From the His Royal Majesty, King Seon Jo to the quarters of the King’s guest,” the voice announced when Dong Yi rushed outside to the entrance but I stayed behind the doors, to eavesdrop.

“My Lord,” Dong Yi called.

“Ah yes, Choi Dong Yi, this is Park Young Pil, the bodyguard for the young Miss, he’s to follow her to the market or anywhere off palace grounds, the King’s orders,”

“Yes my Lord,” she replied calmly yet excited.

“...And the King sends his regards,” the eunuch added almost in a whisper,

“And we humbly receive, my Lord,” she replied him as he left with her still bowing to him, and when he was completely out of sight, she stood upright to face the newly appointed bodyguard of her Mistress.

“I am Choi Dong Yi, the handmaid of Her Grace, I’ll go tell her of your presence,” she said and the stranger nodded a yes.

Realizing Dong Yi was about to enter, I quickly sat on the bed pretending like I didn’t overhear anything, hoping that Dong Yi would buy it which I think she did.

“My lady, the King sends his regards to you,” she said getting closer.

“Oh, OK. When are we leaving for the village?” I whispered to her.

“Anytime my Lady is ready,” she whispered back,

“I am now, let’s go,” I eagerly got up but hesitated when I realized that she didn't move an inch,

“What is it, Dong Yi? Didn’t you say the King approved of it?” I stared at the young child who had no idea my spirit had let this palace.

“Yes he did, my lady, but he gave a condition,” she said with a smile.

“Which is...?” I asked looking confused with a million thoughts running through my mind.

“A royal bodyguard has been assigned to my lady, to go with you everywhere beyond palace grounds,”

“Oh really! And who is that?” I asked feigning ignorance,

“You can come in,” Dong Yi said and almost immediately, the guard entered paying his respect at once.

“Your Grace, I am Park Young Pil,” he said with his head slightly bowed.

When he raised his head, his eyes met with the strange beauty he heard every detail about and he could swear the rumors didn't do justice to her beauty. They didn’t talk enough about her aura of elegance and beauty, like what he was seeing. They left out the part where her beauty was like a knife that could cut through worlds, but at least they had her skin color right. He wondered if this woman knew the name, the whole nation knew her by.

"Young Pil, you're his doppelganger. I guess this is why they believe they do reincarnate... Would it be possible to meet Mr Choi? I miss him Soo much." I thought,

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