Chapter 6

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*Celestia's POV*(If I forget to add a POV at the beginning of a chapter, it is from Celestia's and I just forgot sorry!)

It is finally the day that it all goes down. The day of the games. I hear a man come up from behind me, my mentor, realizing that I have not even listened or looked at him once this whole time. I don't even know his name. 

"Any last advice?" Even though technically, this would be the first set of advice I would actually listen to.

"Stay alive kiddo. Just, stay alive" He replies, with his forest green eyes staring at me intently right under his jet black hair. He can't be older than 30, and I hug him before I enter the room alone and I see my outfit laid out before me. Shorts and a tight-fitted tank top all smushed together into one. Must be hot. So, I strip off my clothes, take a deep breath, and change into my clothing for the games and step into the clear tube before it is even requested of me. But, the tube reflects what is inside and I see a number on it. 1. I didn't know what that meant, we didn't have "private judging time" like in other games because of the lack of need, and we obviousely weren't from districts. Then I see my mentor enter the room even though I thought he left. He held up a sign, since the tubes are sound proof and I stand in shock at what it says. The whole of Panem voted for who the threats were. The biggest threat starts at 1 and the smallest threat is 24. You have your numbers on your shirts. I'm sorry kiddo.

Before I know it, I am being lifted up gradually into the arena. The sun blinds me for a few seconds until I am able to see. What the hell? I look around in confusion and see the other tributes that didn't show up to training day. They are huge, and clearly gained 20 pounds of muscle on their own time. But, everyone looks at me as the first kill. To make it even worse, right when I think that I can hide for a few days before the others can find me, I take my first look at the arena. It is a desert. That is all I can see for miles. Eventually, right before my vision ends, I can see some mountains.  No trees anywhere near hereNo water anywhere near here. Just 100 degree weather and 23 kids trying to kill me. Well, I guess 22 since Rept is my ally. I am about to get lost in my train of thought when I hear the countdown from 10 projecting louder each second. I can't miss this. I can't hide. They don't want us to get comfortable. They want us to watch our "friends"(even though I hate all of them) kill eachother without showing any mercy. Well that won't happen to me. I won't die. As it gets to 5, it seems everything slows down as I see movement from 3 capsules over. My cousin, Jonathon, whom I completely forgot about. Even though I have never liked him, and I try to scream at him as he places his right foot on the soft sand, and in a second, he is gone. My face is shocked as the one appears in the center of my line of vision. I wipe the scared expression off my face and try to smirk, to look strong but it is hard. I remember Jonathon and I used to be friends in Elementary School before he turned into a brat. While remembering these thing, I am running towards the Cornucopia. I also realize that I have to get to Rept, but, all of these thoughts stop as I feel a pain in my neck and am shoved to the ground before I see the blood pour out from all directions onto the sand around me.

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