Chapter 1

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Namjoon's POV 

I fucking hate these parties, if I had a choice I would never attend them. Fake, pretentious, obnoxious and arrogant people everywhere all here for business. This was an important party according to my father, damn I'm bored standing here by his side listening to these old men talk about shit while the ladies judge everyone for what their wearing.

Don't even get me started on their daughters how their dressed so ever the top and how they keep flirting with me, I'm so annoyed but my brothers? Oh, they love it. Speaking of brothers, where the heck are they? I turn to look around and no surprise their busy flirting. I roll my eyes and turn to see them, the people I despise the most on this earth.

The Choi's. I despise them with all my being especially Yeonjun. I was about to turn away to focus on what my father's talking about when my eyes caught a girl entering behind them. She was dressed in something simple unlike the other women already present and she looked so elegant in it. I see her looking towards the Choi's and she just sighs but heads to the bar making me confused. Did she know them or were they related in some way? I want to find out.

"Isn't that right Namjoon? My father asks me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Umm. yes dad, excuse me gentlemen." I bow a little and make my way towards the bar.

I stand next to her and order a scotch, I turn towards her but she looks like she's somewhere else as she was mindlessly playing with her drink. I see Taehyung going to approach her but I quickly throw a glare at him making him back away not before throwing a smug look at me.

"What's got you thinking too hard?" she jumped at my voice.

Her eyes meet mine and for a second I think I forgot how to breathe. She was fucking stunning but what captivated me were her beautiful hazel eyes, they held so much innocence in them making me want to ruin her in ways she can't even imagine.

"Yeah sorry I've had a lot on my mind." She replied a little shy.

"I've never seen you before at any of these parties. Are you here with someone? Like family or perhaps a date?" hoping it isn't the latter. I don't know why but I felt a little jealous of her being with someone else. I never get jealous of anything and I certainly don't call girls beautiful, what's wrong with me?

"Yeah I came here with my family but it seems like they're too busy showing off their son." Her voice held sadness in it as she sighs again when her eyes flicker to where they are, the Choi's. Now I'm really curious about who she is.

"If you don't mind me asking but what's your name?" I asked getting to the damn point.

"Not at all. My name's Veronika.... Choi Veronika. And you are?" She smiled a little as she replied.

"Kim Namjoon. Are you really a Choi?" I had to ask her again to confirm this horrid news. She just looks like an angel compared to those evil creatures.

"Yes, unfortunately I am one. Why what's wrong? Don't tell me Yeonjun's pissed you off as well?" she rolls her eyes and I chuckle a little when I hear that coming from her.

We talk for some time and she seems sweet compared to those devils until the conversation started to get a little personal.

"Ms. Choi I see you're quite curious but I'll answer your questions another day. I would like to have dinner again with you sometime next week if you allow that is." I see a bit of hesitation in her eyes but then she surprises me by saying yes and we exchange phone numbers.

She kisses my cheek and says she'll be waiting but quickly blushes when she does that, making me chuckle at her shyness. Just you wait Ms. Veronika Choi, I'm going to unravel the mystery that you are.

Veronika's POV

I just returned today and my family doesn't even welcome me back properly, instead I'm being dragged to some high society party I'm not even interested in. Like hello! I came back after being away for four freaking years and you didn't even miss me once? I didn't even get a proper welcome that I deserved, I'm going to their parties to which they have never once taken me to because all they do is brag about their trophy son. Whatever I don't care at this point, I take out one of my pieces from my collection which I'm going to release soon once I settle back and open my shop. It was a simple off-shoulder gown since I was told to dress a little extra but this is as extra I can go.

As soon as we arrive at the so called party, my parents rush off to their friend's I guess with their oh so lovely son (please note my sarcasm). I roll my eyes and sigh at them, I need a drink as it's been a long day and man I'm so tired.

I ask for a gin and tonic although I wanted something strong if I want to survive this evening, throughout this whole time though I could feel eyes but I couldn't be bothered to look who it is. I guess I was so lost in my thoughts that I don't see someone approaching me until they said something. Startled, I look up to see a pair of eyes staring at me as if he was trying to see through me, he was absolutely handsome, charming and yes super-hot.

We engaged in a conversation until he started to get a bit personal but I guess he realized it before I could say anything. He suggested to meet again for dinner, I was going to say no but then I agreed because I could feel a pair of eyes burning through my skull and I already can sense it who it was.

It was Yeonjun and yes he's the oh so lovely son I was talking about earlier. He is the only one they're proud and show off at every chance they get. You see he was the one who was always in the spotlight with his good grades, looks, captain of the football team, his interest in the business, etc. etc.

I, on the other hand didn't want to be involved in the business as I wasn't interested and wanted to do something else. I was always into dance, art, dramatics but my parents never came for any of my shows but they would always attend his games, his competitions, training him for him to take over. They never had time for me but they somehow had time for him.

They never quite liked the way I wanted to be different so they never really paid attention towards me during my childhood. But now it's time for everything to change. 

A.N - Welcome to Revenge! 

It features Kim Namjoon And Choi Yeonjun as rivals. 


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