Weapon in Disguise

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CIC Ch12

"Rumplestiltskin, you can come out now." I call into the dark cave with a smirk.

He walk out laughing, "Just getting a feel for this dreary island dearie." He kicks the sand as we walk down the rocks. "It is indeed the best place to hide a heartbroken pirate."

I grin, it is nice to have the dark one worshipping the ground I walk on. Literally. I let out a deep laugh.

"Oh and I cast that spell, you know the one you couldn't." He laughs like a child, "No one will ever find this island."

I glare at him suddenly doubting this partnership. "There are other ways for me to get what I want, you should be grateful." I say coldly.

"Sure, sure. Tell me again what the ingredients are?" He smiles darkly.

I roll my eyes but answer, "A tear caused by true love, a human soul, and a mermaid voice." I explain.

"Ah yes, the tear from our pirate friend, and the little mermaids voice, but whose souls are you going to take?" He asked doubtfully.

I laugh because it is one of the most obvious steps in my evil plan. "Why the savior's of course!" I grin, but he laughs mockingly.

"You plan to take the savior soul? Why that's hilarious dear!"

I grab his collar threateningly, "You just worry about getting her under the sleeping curse. I can take her soul if you succeed."

We reached the edge of the beach, he stops on the sand as I walk into the sea.

"You mean when I succeed!" He calls while laughing like a mad man.


The rain started as a light dribble, gently falling onto the earth, but suddenly it was coming down soaking the three of us.

We were not even halfway to Rumple's castle. Things were not looking good for us, but we have to reach it, for Emma.

Lightening cracked through the rain, hitting the ground on the horizon. Thunder shook the trees.

"We have to stop!" Will shouted over the storm with his accent

I shook my head, determined, "but Emma, she needs this!" I yell barely audible.

"The storm will just get us lost! We need to-" Robin interrupts Will. He points out into the rain.

"Is that.. a- a person?" He says squinting.

Will looks out too, "No way.." He says.

I clearly see a short figure through the foggy rain. They wear a brown cloak over their face. "It has to be, come on!" I run out into the open as fast as I can. They quickly follow behind me and eventually catch up to me. We reach the person at the same time.

When I see him my heart stops. I run to him and wrap my arms around him.

"Rumple?" I cannot believe this.

"Belle.." He says relieved, "I've been looking everywhere for you." He says quietly.

Will steps forward, "Sorry to interrupt but can you get us out of the bloody storm?" He shouts over the sound of rain.

Rumple raises his hand and twists his wrist. We are all engulfed in grey smoke, and then appear in his castle. I am completely dry now, no more clod rain. But I look up and see Will and Robin still dripping rain onto the floor.

"Now, tell me why your traveling with these dimwits?" Rumple's asks me. He sea to be acting like the old Rumple. I need to get through to him, but first get the thing we came for.

I hold onto him frantically, "It's Emma, sh- she's hurt and we need a sleeping curse to keep her pain a bay. Please Rumple we must hurry!" He looks at me lovingly and waves his hand. A small clear bottle now sit in it.

"This is what you seek, but I am doing this for you, not them." He looks at Will and Robin glaring slightly.

I dismiss it though and hug him, "Thank you so much, please get us back to the camp!"

He hugs me and again we are engulfed in smoke. Even before I open my eyes I can feel the rain crashing down on us.

I pull away from Rumple, but he holds my arm back. "Put the potion on this, and prick her finger." He holds up a needle. The rain shines it creating a deadly sparkle. Something twists in my stomach, but I do not let it interfere with the plan.

I nod my head and take it from him. Then rush towards the tent and screaming Emma.

Her cries will haunt me the rest of my life. No one should ever go through this. Quickly I dip the needle into the bottle and pull it out. Guilt hits me as I wonder what her parents would do here. I grab her finger and press the needle into her ring finger.

Her eyes meet mine, the world is silent and I hear her whisper.

"Find him." Her eyes say the rest of it. Although I may have stopped her physical pain, this will allow her to focus on the mental pain of living without Ho- Killian, he's changed for her. It's Killian now.

Okay! Finally getting to one of my favorite chapters! Whooo, it's hard to get out of the mood after writing something dramatic like this whole book.


Btw my birthday is January 22!

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