Six Days

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CIC Ch10

Six days. Six days I have been on this island. Six days I have wandered alone on this bloody piece of sand. Six days without Swan. And it's driving me mad. Six days.


The waves towered over us, crashing onto the deck threatening to take us under with them. I shout orders out, but this royal Arrendale crew had never seen a storm in their life. I hold the wheel hoping the sea with give us mercy.

Even in these horrible moments, my own thoughts lead me to a memory. I was at the wheel of my ship with my crew. They knew how to handle a storm, however this certain storm was the worse I have ever seen. Waves pounded us from every side.
Terror filled a few u loyal members of the crew. They were running everywhere. They abandoned their posted.

One man, Joen, was left at the stop of the mast. With no men at the bottom to hold the ropes, he was stuck with no way down alone. Desperately I cried out for him for I could not abandon the wheel. He shouted three last words to me, and then I watched as he fell from the top of the mast and plummeted into the dark, deadly waters.

The ship was torn apart because of the crews mistakes. We survived, but Joen was never found. That was the day I cracked the whip on my crew. Never would this happen again.
No mercy Merceda.


Seven days. I had spent a whole day driving myself mad. I wasted it, and she may be dead because of it.

I knew that the only way to reach her was to pull myself together. No one else was on the island, I am sure of it. But perhaps they could be supplies for a raft. If I coils jut get back to the mainland then I knew I could find her.

So I set off hiking, searching for anything to clear my mind of the desperate thought. Her eyes were in my mind constantly. There is much I would give to see them again. To feel her hand in mine like they are meant to be.

Those thoughts push me forward. I search the island for the hundredth time. And surprisingly I come across a strange glittering white stone placed in a gray mountain wall. I'd assumed this was just a solid rock, but maybe it was a cave, or even an old volcano.

In the rock I could see a reflection and I did not recognize it. Dark circles under the eyes. Eyes that showed a deep depression and longing. The face was sunken in, showing the bones underneath. Dirt, sweat, and tears stained the face, and dark bruises appeared blue on the blistering skin. But the hair, almost black, gave it away. This was me.

After everything I had told Emma about fighting for our happy ending, I was ashamed. I had let this happen to me when I could have been finding her. Determination settled in. I reached my hand up and covered my reflection. My fingers barely brushed the stone, but they did infant touch the shiny thing. And when they did, the whole wall moved.

It slid open just a crack. Wide enough for me to squeeze through. I tried looking in first, but it was too dark to see. So I proceeded into the darkness and was greeted by cackling laughter.

"You've finally found me, captain." I had never heard this voice, but I could just picture her there mocking me with this prison she had come up with.

"Ursula." I said coldly.

I could see her standing across from me in a green dress. Her hand rested on her hip. "I thought you'd appreciate that I put you near the sea. I assumed Island view would be best for you while your mind rotten with thought of your girl."

She laughed deeply again, "what was her name again? Ana? Mona? Milah, that's it right?" She asked mockingly. "Oh wait, that's the dead one." Her words like a knife to my heart.

"But they'll both be dead soon so what does it matter." She smiled apparently amused by this.

"You're lying." was all I could say, but I said it strongly.

She still laughed, shaking the cave walls. "Oh dear, I never lie. But before I show you this, we have business to talk. This is not your prison. Think of it more like... A test. Find your way off and your home free."

She smirks, "Oh and one more thing."She waves her hand lighting up a mirror with a ripple.

A picture appeared. It was Emma, and I was so pleasedto see her face, that I did not notice what was happening immediately, but then I heard it, she was crying and screaming in pain. I could hear my name mixed into them. Her face scrunched into pain as she held her head in her hands. My heart broke into thousands of tiny shards as I watched her.

"This is when I must be going. Have fun with... That." She points to the sobbing Emma, and laughs before disappearing.

I run to the mirror and put my hand against the glass. "I will find you." I say slowly.


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