Two Steps Back and a Tiny Step Foreward

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Chapter 2

As soon as everyone left the cabin, Killian stood up and kissed my cheek. He had a sadden look of realization in his eyes as he carried me into the living room. We sat down on the couch and I leaned into his shoulder wrapping his arm around me. He was ever so gentle with me, like I was a delicate glass swan that could be broken at any minute.

"Emma..." He says in a way that sounds like he's trying out my name.

I lift my hand and touch his chin "Killian, tell me what's wrong. Other then this bloody curse." I say.

"It's part of the curse. If we all pop into the forest randomly then what will happen to you?" He looks towards my broken leg. He must be thinking of my injuries. His eyes filled with a deep sorrow, he holds me in his arms and rests his chin on the side of my head. "And those pills won't come to the enchanted forest with us. What happens if your alone and you get a headache?" His face is laced with sadness, those blue orbs glistening with tears. None fall down his face, but they stay there threatening too. "I just can't lose you." He leans towards me and holds me in his arms. I rest my head on the crook of his neck, thinking over what I could say to comfort us both.

I pull away slightly until our foreheads rest on each other. "We will find each other. It runs in the family. And you can help me now by getting me on my feet. I need to walk again." I begin to attempt to stand up.

He jumps up immediately. "Are you sure love? It's going to hurt." He says concerned.

"Yes, I have to do this Killian." I answer.

He helps me onto my feet by lifting me up so they are touching the ground but no weight is on them. I lift my good leg and take a step. Killian moves with me and his grasp tightens when I try to move my injured leg. My leg won't move forward unless it stays straight to my hip.

"Ugh, must be the cast."I groan. Then I get an idea. "I'm going to take it off with magic. Set me down on the mattress." I say confidently.

He sets me down and sits beside me, watching carefully. I lift my hand and concentrate on the cast, picturing the energy of it and imagining it wisping away into the air. My eyes fly open as I detect a new pain. Its a good feeling, that I can actually feel my leg again, but it's already throbbing.

"Let's try this again." I say to Killian. He stands wearily and lifts me by the hands. Again my feet are on the floor; no weight is on them because he holds me up. I take a step with my good leg. It's causes a dull ache in my back. Now I bend my bad knee.

Black dots appear on my vision as sharp pain shoots through the leg. Killian reacts immediately by lifting me off the ground completely and making sure my leg is straight.

"Wait.. I've got an idea." He sets me on the couch and goes quickly down the hall. I hear a clatter as he digs through what must be the closet. After a few minutes his grinning face pops around the corner with a pair of crutches in his hand.

"Try these love." He says handing them to me.

I am able to use the crutches to stand up on my own. I 'walk' all the way into the kitchen by myself and turn around to see Killian's overjoyed smile. He leaps over the couch and playfully runs towards me lifting me off the ground. Both of us excited from the small step forward. The crutches fall to the floor with a bang, but he doesn't notice as he holds me in his arms. He lightly kisses my forehead lovingly.

(Third person pov)

While Emma and Killian were home spending what seemed to be their last days together, Belle and Rumple had discovered more about the curse that was coming.

All magical items will be transferred from StoryBrooke to the enchanted forest. They will all return where they were before the original curse stuck. However if something magically was made in Storybrooke it will stay with the person that owns it.

So they sent this new information to Regina who spent the day with Henry making hundreds of bottles full of memory potion. She was happy to be with her son on these last days. These were sent onto Mary Margret and David for the difficult task of explaining their dilemma to the town.

They called a town meeting and had Merceda explained all that she knew. As always, Leroy was the first to complain. After telling of the horrid curse, they explained that they had a solution and then handed out memory potions to everyone. They would keep these in their pockets at all times and when the curse hit they would travel over and stay in their pockets.

There was another problem however, Robin found a solution while searching the library. If the curse causes the town to lose their memories how will they know to drink the potion. He discovered that if they drink the potion when they see the curse cloud coming it will have the same affect and work when they appear in the enchanted forest. By doing this they will never lose their memories during this dark curse.

Other issues came to mind. What if someone forgot to drink it? The Charming's told the town that when you arrive in the enchanted Forest, The first priority is to search for any nearby people and set up a camp. If anyone had forgotten to take the potion it is your duty to force them to drink it.

Emma and Killian also had their own plan. Their first priority was to find each other. Killian worried for Emma's safety. His biggest fear was of her migraines. He was the only one that could soothe her during one. And she would not have her pills with her, so when she gets a headache it will continue to grow worse and worse. His only hope was that he could find her and stop the migraines from coming.

As night fell, the town grew eerily silent.

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