Chapter 2

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As soon as I stepped into the bright hallway of the building, I felt at home. I took a deep breath in and smelled the pine that filled the room. The chattering filled the air as we walked and took our seats at our designated tables. "I'm so glad to be back" I say smiling at them. "Looks like you got a admirer" Hermione says as she motions her eyes behind me. "What" I say as I turn around and my gaze met by none other then Draco Malfoy. I've told you about him and I look at him in confusion. "Why would be be looking at me?" I ask them turning back around. They shrug and I go to stand up. Just then the group of first years walk in and I sit back down. They start the sorting hat Ceremony. Gryffindor. Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw. Slytherin. I remember that day. The pressure I had sitting in that chair. I wished and wished to not be put in Slytherin. When they were finished we ate and went through the normal lecture from Professor Dumbledore. I could feel eyes on me the entire time and kept catching a glance at Draco from behind me. "Ok everyone to your Dorms" Dumbledore says and we all stand up. I see him rush to the doors probably because he knew I was gonna ask him questions. I pushed through the crowds of people after him as he made his away through the hallway and up the stairs. I chased him until we got to where there's not a lot of people. Before he gets to his dorm I grab him by the back of his suit and drag him to the wall. I slam him up against it by the collar of his shirt and made sure no one else was around us. "Why are you watching me Malfoy" I ask him irritated. "Why would I be watching you" he says with a slight scared look on his face. "I saw you staring at me all during the ceremony and then you try to run away I know you to well Draco" I say letting him go and stepping back. He fixes his collar and pats his suit. "I was just" he says but stops. "Just what trying to figure out how else to get back at me for being friends with Harry ? I would've been friends with you either way but you decided against it" I say getting kind of mad. "No actually I was looking at you because your beautiful alright but that doesn't really matter does it so can I just go to my dorm" he looks eager to leave. "I uh ok sorry" I say and just stand there while he walks away. I slowly walk to my dorm thinking about what he said and how he looked at me. There's no way Draco Malfoy could think that or could he ? It keeps going through my mind as I walk into mine and Hermione's dorm. "Hey Lily .. what did Draco do" She has a look as if she could kill him. "He didn't do anything actually he called me beautiful" I look up at her in slight confusion. "He what?" She looks just as confused. We sit up all night and talk about what he said because no ones really called me that before. By the time we got tired the sun was up and we had to start our day all over again. "Well I'm going to get ready" I go to the wash rooms and then get dressed. I meet up with the others and go to breakfast. I walk in and my eyes go to Draco. He looks up as we walk in and looks at me. He looks away and I go and sit down. We go about our day like normal and I see Draco all the time. It's kind of nice.

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