Chapter 10

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A few weeks pass and Draco hasnt talked to me since Harry hurt him. I hurt him to by telling them everything but I couldnt keep secretes from either of them. I walk into the great hall but the air felt different. It felt heavy and dark. I walk over to the table and sit in front of Ron. "Why is everyone acting so .... quiet" I whisper to them. "They know somethings coming, they dont know when but even the professors know" he motions his head towards the front where they are all seated. I lock eyes with Snape and he gives me a death glare. I turn away wondering why he hated me. I turned around to the table behind me but Draco wasnt in his seat. I didnt see him anywhere actually. "Have you guys seen....." I start to say but was cut off. "Malfoy? no hes been missing the past couple days" Harry says. He seems on edge so I grab his hand. "Its ok Harry were gonna stop you know who" I whisper to him with a small smile. Did I know for sure we would? no. But I wasnt going to let him do it alone. I then hear the door open and turn to see Draco walking in. He quickly went to his seat and sat down. His face was sad and dark. I looked at him and try to send him a smile but all he did was look at me and look right back down at the table. I still cared about him more then anyone. I wish he would just talk to me. I sent him countless letters apologizing but explaining why I couldnt keep that from Harry. I knew he still cared about me to but I wanted him to tell me himself. "Ok everyone time for class no one is permitted to be in the hallways unless class is dismissed" Dumbledore says to the room. I give Hermione a confused look but stand up anyways. We all walked to Charms class small talking about little things to not freak anyone else out. "Hey guys.... everyones meeting in the room to train later" Neville comes up to us and says quickly before moving through the crowd. Hes been training everyone else involved so that we have more people on our team. We walk into Charms and Draco walks in shortly after us. I watch him walk to his seat and sit down. He looks at me and we meet eyes. I give him a smile but he just looks down. I turn away when the professor walks in. "Ok class today we are going to be learning about Amortencia this glass bottle holds a magic potion that whatever it smells like to you is who you love" he shows us all a tiny bottle of liquid and opens the top. He walks over to me. "Miss Boyd tell us what you smell" He hands me the bottle. "Oh I uh dont really want to do this..... " I say awkwardly. "Come on" he insists. I look around and then swallow hard before taking a sniff. "I smell.... Mahogany and Leather" I give the bottle back and I look over at Draco and he has a smirk on his face. He then walks over to him and hands him the bottle. "Oh I dont...." he starts to say. "Do it Mr Malfoy" he insists again. I watch him as he smells it. "I smell perfume and the forest" he says and gives back the bottle. I get up and run out of the room. "Miss Boyd where are you going" I hear professor say as I leave.I run my hands through my hair as I quickly walk down the corridor when I hear footsteps behind me. "Hey where are you going" I hear Draco yell. "Really? you smell me? I thought you hated me now huh" I say angrily. "Of course I smelled you I never hated you I hated what you did" He says  back. "Was that some sick joke? You know I smelled you in there and you know I loved you so you fake smelling me" I almost yell at him. "I didnt fake it! Ive always loved you ok" he says "If you loved me you wouldnt of pushed me away you wouldve stayed like I did no matter what shit were in right now" I say "In order to love you I cant be around you or youll get hurt dont you get it" he steps towards me. I stand there staring at him. "The shit were in right now is not some game you and I both know that I had no choice but you do" he gets sadder when saying that. I realize that this was the first time both of us ever admitted to loving each other. He turns around to walk away. As he is Harry, Ron, and Hermione run past him. "Lily we have to go now" they say. Draco turns around right as the windows start breaking one by one. "Wait Draco" I yell as the wall crashes right in front of him. I cant see him because of the dust and rubble. Hermione grabs my hand and we start running. Students and Professors start filling the halls to run to cover. "We have to break the horcrux I know where it is" Harry says as we run towards the artifacts room. We get there and run inside. The room is huge and filled with gold things everywhere. "How are we supposed to find this" I say. "Im not going to let you do this" Draco walks out his wand pointed at us with Crab and Goyle with him. "Get out of the way Malfoy" Harry Ron and Hermione pull out their wands. "Incendio!" He shoots fire out at us but it goes everywhere and is bigger then he planned. We turn around and see a lion of fire running at us full speed. "Oh shit !" We yell and we all start running in different directions. It chases each of us through the room. All of a sudden I see Hermione come up next to me on a flying broom and I see Harry and Ron above us. She picks me up and flys over the fire filled room. I gasp when I see Draco hanging off of a table struggling to pull himself up. "Draco! Harry get him" I yell. I see Harry go over and pulls him up on his broom. We all fly out of the room right as the fire spreads everywhere. Harry and Draco crash off the broom into the corridor. He runs past me towards the doors. "Wait Draco" I yell at him. He stops and turns around and runs back to me. "Stay with them dont follow me please I have to do what I have to do" he holds my shoulders and looks me in my eyes. "You dont have to be their servant" A tear rolls down my cheek. "Ill see you soon keep her safe Harry" he looks at him and Harry nods back. He runs out the front doors. "What next" I say sniffling and wiping my face which is covered in soot. "We follow him" Harry says. "What? he just said not to" I say confused and frusterated. "Thats exactly what they want us to do is stay here and get killed were going to find them" he says. I follow them out of the building and towards the road. 

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