Chapter 8

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I got on the train and ran straight to our seats. "Lilly!" They all excitedly got up and let me in. I sat down and we all started talking about our summer. I didn't mention anything about Draco but I tried not to think about him. He didn't write me or anything and I started to give up on me and him being together. I see him and his friends walk by the doorway. We look at each other but I look away quickly. "What's up with you and Malfoy" Harry asks. "Nothing we just don't talk" I say shrugging my shoulders. The train ride was long and I couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts. We get to the buggy's and we hop off the train. I watch Draco walk with Pansy and the rest of their friends and get on their own buggy. I didn't talk the whole way back. We finally got to Hogwarts and everything felt different. The air felt darker. "Does anything seem like different to you guys" I ask them. They mutter no's but I can tell they knew something I didn't. Their letters were vague and I knew they were doing things over the summer. "Ok guys cut it out what is going on" I slam my hands on the table of the Common room. "Should we tell her" Ron says. "Yes tell me" I say "Voldemort's back and he's after Harry" Hermione says obviously over the boys hinting around at things. "I know that but what are we doing about it" I say seriously. "How did you know" Harry asks. "As if I did hear you yelling after the tournament..... plus I've heard it around" I say. "What are we gonna do" Ron says. "Well I've been researching and so far I've found that there are 4 horcruxs and once their all broken we can defeat Voldemort" Hermione says bringing out her notes. "What are the horcruxes I'm in" I say sitting with them. "We're not sure yet but if we all look together then we can destroy them" she puts her notes down when the fireplace behind me sparks. We all jump when we see a face in the fire. "Hello Harry have you guys found anything out yet" the fire says. "Sirius it's good to finally talk to you we only found out about the horcruxes other then that nothing" Harry says. "Woah" I say and sit back. "Oh you must be Lilly Hermione and Ron nice to meet you all" he nods to us. "I heard he's looking for you everywhere he will be coming to the school soon unless you go to him" Sirius says. "We gotta tell Dumbledore" I say "he knows" Harry says. "We need you guys to come stay with us while you looking for the horcruxes it's to dangerous to be there" Sirius says. "The Malfoy Boy will be watching you all closely don't tell him anything" Sirius Says. "Draco" I say quietly. "I've got to go now" he leaves and the fire goes back to normal again. They all look at me. "I am not spying on Draco" I say. "Lilly we need you to do this for us anything he says or if you know anything at all keep us updated we will get you out of here once we find the first two horcruxes" Harry walks up to me and puts his hands on my arms. "I need you to do this for me" he looks me in my eyes. "Ok I'll do it" he smiles at me. We get called down to dinner. As we walk into the great hall the air was heavy. The professors knew things we didn't. They seemed on edge and uncomfortable. We sat down quietly and then we hear the door open again. Everyone else was chattering through the room but I looked over. I see Draco and Pansy walking in. She smirked at me and he looked down. I looked back at the others. "How am I supposed to get close with him he doesn't want me near him and I'm thinking that is why" I say. "We know he still cares about you or else he wouldn't care about being close with you" Harry says. "You wouldn't have to lie to him or anything we know he means a lot to you" Hermione says. "Just don't say anything about us" Ron says with his mouth full of food. "I can try" I say. The professors sent us to our free time after dinner and I go and sit in the courtyard. I watch the stars and moon float by in the dark blue sky.  I see Draco slowly walk out on the other side of courtyard. He couldn't see me sitting there watching him. He stood there looking at the stars to. I sit there and smile. I stand up and start walking towards him. "Hey Draco" I say getting closer to him. I stand next to him and look up. "It's beautiful out here isn't it" I say looking back at him. "What are you doing Lilly" he looks down and then at me. He had a sad look in his eyes. "Your gonna get hurt" he was genuine. "I would get hurt a million times if it meant I got to be with you" I say. He smiles a little bit and laughs. "You would risk yourself for me" he looks at me raising his eyebrows. "Yes" I say. He turns and faces me and grabs my hands. His face slowly getting closer to mine. He got close enough to feel his words on my lips. "Your crazy" he says and smiles. He grabs me and pulls me out to the middle of the courtyard. He put his hands on my waist and we danced. Under the stars he twirled me around him. Afterwards we laid on the grass and watched the sky. We stayed like that all night. I finally felt happy.

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