Chapter 5

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I got up and started walking to the great hall with Hermione. We got to the top of the stair case when I hear a bunch of yelling. We look at each other and start running down the stairs towards the crowd. We push through the people and see Draco and Harry yelling at each other with their wands out. "What is going on" I yell over them. "Somebody told me Malfoy put my name in the cup" Harry says. "I wouldn't waste my time with that I would do worse" Draco says back at him. "It makes sense you would wanna get rid of me I know things no one else knows here" Harry says. I look at Draco confused and he just stares at Harry angrily. "Shut up Potter" he says with clenched teeth. "Draco what is he talking about" I ask him. "Nothing he doesn't know anything or at least doesn't have proof of anything" he looks at me. "Stay out of this Lilly" he says to me trying to stay calm. Harry casts a spell to throw Dracos wand out of his hand but it doesn't work. Draco goes to cast a spell but it flys Harry backwards almost hitting the wall. "Harry!" I yell and run after him. Draco walks up to us. "You could've hurt him Draco" I yell at him. "Your seriously going to be on the buffoons side" he asks surprised. "Yea Draco because unlike you he hasn't tried to throw someone into a wall" I say getting more mad. "I didn't try to it didn't work" he starts to calm his face and you can see he's trying to not get angry with me. "Just go Draco I don't wanna talk to you right now" I say. "Fine then don't talk to me at all" he pushes through the kids as I help Harry up. I watch him walk away and I feel bad but I couldn't help but be mad. The rest of the day was slow and I didn't see Draco all day. I even went to our spot and he wasn't there. I went to my dorms and Hermione knew I was sad but didn't wanna make me feel bad. The next few weeks were lonely. We didn't meet every night like usual. I walked into the great hall and I sat down. I turned around and saw Draco and Pansy sitting together. He looked happy with her. He looked over at me but then right back at her. I felt like someone just ran me over. I looked back at Hermione. "You ok" she asks me. "Yea I'm fine" I get up and go and sit in the study room. When I see everyone going to class I walk out and see Draco and Pansy walking together. They were smiling and laughing and I could tell she liked him. Maybe he liked her to. I went to my dorm early every night and it was getting close to the tournament and the Yule ball. "Your going" Hermione said. "I don't even have a dress to wear" I say sitting on my bed. "Yea you do here" she pulls out these beautiful emerald green dress. "Why don't you wear this" I ask her. "I have my own and I got that one for you" she sits next to me. I try it on and it looks beautiful. I wanted to go with Draco but I don't think he will be asking me to the dance. "Thank you Hermione" I hold the dress in my hand and run my fingers over it. It was silky. I lay awake all night thinking about the tournament and Harry and Draco. The sun was barely up but I got up and went to the showers. As I'm walking through the halls I look outside. I see someone sitting on the bench underneath the tree. As I get closer I see it's Draco. I slowly walk up to him. "Hey what are you doing out here so early?" I ask him. He doesn't seem like he wants to talk to me but I persist anyways. "I'm sorry" I say sitting next to him. He looks over at me. He sighs and loosens up more. "I saw Harry and I just couldn't help it he's my friend" I say looking at the ground. He starts laughing a little. "What?" I say. "Your cute" he looks at me. "Does that mean..." He cuts me off. "I still like you Lilly" I start blushing at him. "But what about Pansy" I get confused. "Oh her she's my friend but I honestly just wanted to make you jealous but about her she kind of asked me to the Yule Ball" he says. "Oh that's ok I wasn't gonna go anyways" I say standing up. "You should still go I would wanna see you" he says as I'm walking away. "I'll think about it" I turn around and smile at him.

Son of SlytherinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora