Aren't you a little young

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InventorBros @Phineas&Ferb

Today we're gonna climb Eiffel tower
[Insert picture of Phineas & Ferb and the gang climbing up the Eiffel]

LumberWood @ZackUnderwood

Aren't you a little young to be climbing the Eiffel Tower?

InventorBros @Phineas&Ferb

Yes, yes we are

BackpackBackpack @MiloMurphy

Have fun you guys, also make sure to wear a suit of armor


LadyBlogger @AlyaCesaire

Breaking news LadyBloggers,  a group of kids have been seen climbing the Eiffel Tower
[insert picture of a group of kids climbing the Eiffel Tower]

LuckyCharms @MarrinetteDupain-Cheng


DjTurtle @NinoLahiffe

That is wicked Dude

TheGreatPapyrus @PapyrusTheSkeleton

@NinoLahiffe That is cool. I would also like to club that Tower

DuckyMomofan @CadenceFlyn

Phineas and Ferb you are So busted!


Sci-Fi @PeterParker

@IronDad @Captainlanguage,  hey Dad, Pop, Can I climb the Eiffel Tower?

IronDad @OfficialTonyStark

@Sci-Fi, NO! Why would you want to Climb the Eiffel Tower!?

Sci-Fi @PeterParker

@Iron Dad, Cause There doing it
[Insert link to the picture @LadyBlogger posted]

CaptainLanguage @SteveRodgers

@Sci-Fi, aren't they a little young to be climbing the Eiffel Tower?

Sci-fi @PeterParker

@CaptainLanguage. Yes, yes they can I climb the Eiffel Tower?

IronDad @OfficialTonyStark

@Sci-Fi NO!


Fancy @FrancisBonnefoi

Why are there a group of kids climbing the Eiffel Tower?

PolarBear @MatthewWilliams

I have no idea....hopefully there watering safety gear


LadyBlogger @AlyaCesarie

More Breaking News,  Ladybug just came in and saved the group of kids who where climbing the Eiffel Tower after a mysterious humungous burst of  wind knocked them off
[Insert Video of Ladybug Saving the group of Kids]


InventorBros @Phineas&Ferb

Thanks To Ladybug for saving us, we've even go a picture with her.
[Post a picture of Phineas & Ferb, & the gang, even Cadence, taking a group photo with Ladybug]

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