Chapter 17 🖤

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The Conclusion.  Please also read my ending note.  

One of the shots hits Jin in the leg. Jin is screaming in pain. "Just kill me Tae." "I didn't mean to shoot you Jin. You were trying to leave me, and I can't let you go. I need you Jin. Please don't leave me." Tae says squatting down next to Jin and rubbing his face. Tae begins dragging Jin back into the center of the shed. He shackles Jin the same way he did before.

"You tried to leave me Jin. You hate me that much. I can't bear the thought of you being with him. I want you Jin. Why don't you want me?"

After a while, Tae removes Jin from the hook and Jin body falls to the ground. Jin is stripped completely naked. The loss of blood from the gunshot makes Jin loose consciousness.   He wraps a towel around Jin legs, the bullet went straight through and the leg is still bleeding. Tae begins admiring Jin naked body.

"I love everything about you Jin. Your body is perfect." He lies beside Jin and cuddles Jin's limp body. "I just love you so much Jin, I just want you to say it back to me. Then we both can die together in love." Tae says stroking Jin's face.

Tae gets up and goes back into the cabin to shower. He picks up his phone and remembers that he had turned it off. He turns it on and sees Eunwoo's number and dials it. "Tae?" Eunwoo says after answering the call, trying not to let Tae hear any difference in his voice. "Did you talk to anyone about this?" Tae asks trying to detect anything abnormal. "No."   "Did you tell Eric, your lover?"   "No. Why are you so paranoid Tae?"   "I'm not." Tae says adamantly. It is quiet for a short period of time. "Then okay. bye Tae."    "I shot Jin."   "You what Tae?"   "I shot him, and he is bleeding badly."   "Tae, you have to get Jin some help. If you love him, please Tae get Jin some help. Is he breathing?"   "Yes. Just unconscious."

"Maybe it's better this way. Maybe the only way we can be together and Jin won't leave me is if we both die together. Jin says he hates me." Tae pounds on his chest. "He hates me. I never heard him say that to me before. Why did he say such words, why Eunwoo, why did he say those words to me?"   "Tae, you are not thinking about what is right. What you are saying is not right."

"Jin thinks I'm psychotic. Do you think I'm psychotic?"   "Tae, right now we need to get Jin some help."   "So, you do think I'm psychotic. Why the hell you are worrying about a guy you help me kidnap? Where is this heart of yours coming from? Who the hell did you talk to? Was it JK?" Eunwoo answers while staying calm. "No . I've talked to no one. It's just I know how much you love Jin. I mean, look at me, you made me, your boyfriend, resemble your ex. Now please call for help."   "I tried everything. Jin just doesn't want me anymore. I need to go. Thank you for helping bring me and Jin back together."   "Tae, please don't do anything rash." Tae throws his phone against the wall and it shattered.


JK phone rings and he answers "Yes." The voice from the other end is shouting and crying. "Jin has been shot, he is bleeding badly and unconscious. What have I done?"   "What? Slow down repeat what you just said."   "Yes, Tae just called. He shot Jin and Jin is bleeding badly. He is unconscious. Tae is talking crazy. I think he is going to kill himself and Jin." Eunwoo is trying to say everything at once. "Did he say?" before JK can finishes Eunwoo interrupts. "Please get to Jin JK, Tae is going to kill Jin." The phone disconnects.

"JK, what's going on. Talk to us." Yoongi ask after hearing what little he could of the phone conversation and seeing JK's face. "Jin has been shot and is unconscious. I think Tae is going to kill Jin. Yoongi, how far out are we?" "We are about 20 minutes out, remember after 10 more minutes, we will have to go in on feet so that we don't spook him. As bad as we need to, we can't take the car any further." After they drive further in, JK tells everyone in his vehicle to get out. He will just have to chance it and drive further. "JK what are you doing you can't go by yourself." Namjoon whispers loud enough for JK to hear." "Jin needs me now Namjoon. I can't just wait for what we think is an opportune time to go in. If I don't be back soon Hoseok, I guess you won't have any choice but to call your dad."   "Let him go Namjoon. Look at him, and beside all of us rushing in, Tae would surely hear us." Namjoon shakes his head and relinquishes. Everyone gets out of the vehicle excepts JK. He goes further in with his lights off until the moonlight doesn't allow enough light to guide him.

JK cautiously walk fast until he sees the cabin. Everything feels so eerie. His heart sinks when he thinks how close he is to Jin and how much Jin suffered in a place where there is no one to help him. JK presses on but cautiously.

Tae picks up his gun and walks out of the cabin to the shed. Jin is still in the same spot but have gain consciousness. Tae stands over Jin body and points the gun down at Jin. "Hey baby.   All I ever wanted was you to love me the way you did before. I thought about what you said earlier, that if I kill you then JK won't have you and I will win. Then I thought about me being here without you. I can't fucking bare that Jin. So here is your wish, don't worry we will still be together in death."   "JK, I love you."  Jin manages to say.

Tae pulls the trigger striking Jin. JK hears the shot and runs toward the shed and once he enters, Tae turns, surprised that JK is there, Tae looks at JK and says, "I win. I will have Jin even in death." Then Tae shoots himself and his body falls next to Jin.

JK head is spinning from what he has witness. His emotions for Jin and toward Tae are everywhere. JK looks at Jin who is lying on the floor of the shed gasping for air and sees blood everywhere. JK holds Jin while trying to help Jin. "Jin. No! Please baby do not leave me. I'm here. I'm right here. My Love, please stay with me." JK phones Hoseok. "Please Hoseok Help! Jin is dying. He is coughing blood, please help him." "We are coming JK." The one thing Hoseok had done unbeknownst to everyone was contact his father before they went into the wooded area and apprised his father of what they were doing. In doing so, he had come to grips with possibly losing JK as a friend and carrying the guilt of causing Jin to die.

JK hears the sirens and is pushed out of the way by the paramedics. "No please I need to stay with him." Namjoon grabs JK. "Let them do their job JK, let them try and save Jin. We need to go. We need to follow them to the hospital."   There are paramedics also working on Tae.  JK sees them performing CPR on him.  JK stops for a moment then walks with Namjoon to the car. They are driving fast behind the ambulance. Jin's vital signs are registering incredibly low. They arrive at the hospital.

It's been hours since they have been given any information on Jin. JK is pacing back and forth and its being comforted by Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok. He begins talking to himself. "Jin just pull through, if not for me, do it for us. I can't lose you; I need you to survive this. Please baby don't leave me. Jin, please find your way back to me. I don't know what to do, just tell me what to do, how to feel."

JK is interrupted by a doctor and two nurses. "Mr. Jeon?"


It's been almost a year and JK has yet to cope with everything that has happened. It's still painful remembering Jin lying in a pool of blood, gasping for air, savagely beaten, and tortured. He dreads the day that is approaching, his and Jin's anniversary.  It's a reminder of what happened.  JK reflects on how love have changed their lives on that horrific day almost a year ago.  Tae's actions on that day have resulted in Tae being institutionalized in a prison's psych ward.   JK looks over at Jin who is asleep. He walks over to kiss him on the forehead.

"Wake up Jin. I made us lunch. Are you hungry?" "Yes. Thank you." "Remember you like steak?" JK says placing the food on a tray in front of Jin. "Thank you Jungkook."  "No problem." JK watches as Jin eats and smiles because even though Jin has loss his memory, Jin is with him.  

Jin looks at JK. "I might not remember you, but something tells me you are special to me. Thank you for taking care of me."   "It's okay Jin you don't have to thank me. This is what a husband do for their spouse." Jin looks lovingly at JK. "Jungkook, this Island is beautiful. I love being here with you." JK watches Jin smile and how Jin looks at him with innocence in his eyes. "Jin. Have I told you, I love you?"  "Yes, three times this morning." Jin says with an adoring smile.

"Well, make it four. I love you Jin."


In conclusion, I appreciate very much that you have supported this story as morbid as it was.  It was hard making the decision to write with deliberation or write with whatever came to my imagination.  I try and diversify my writing and I hope using these particular characters as fictional characters didn't cause you any concerns or harm.    Thank you for supporting all of my stories.    

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