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A month has passed and it's Jin's and JK's anniversary. They both decide to have a party with family and friends to celebrate. "Are you okay?"  "Yes JK, I'm okay."   "You are looking like you have had enough fun for tonight. If you're ready to end this party, just say the word and I will ask our guests to leave."  "No. Seriously JK everything is fine."  "Jin, you know that this is about you and I. Whenever you are ready for some 'us' time, just let me know."   JK leads Jin by the hand.  "Come on let's dance, this is our song."

JK and Jin are enjoying themselves dancing, drinking, and laughing with their friends and family.   Jin begins to feel tipsy and has a headache, so he decides to lie down. "Come baby, let me help you up to the room."   "No JK, I will just lie down here in the guest bedroom. But can you bring me something for this headache?"   "Yes. I will be right back." JK returns with a glass of water and a pain reliever and Jin takes them.  

"I'm going to let everyone know that you are not feeling well and end the party."   "JK , no please let them enjoy themselves, and don't let me keep you from enjoying yourself."   "I want to be with you Jin."   "JK, I might fall asleep especially dealing with this headache. I wouldn't be good  company. Please go back in there and tell them I'm sorry for turning in so early. I will be here to cuddle when you return. Now go!"    "Have I told you I love you Jin?"  "Yes, five times today."    "Well make it six, I love you Jin."   "I love you too JK."

JK is hesitant in leaving Jin, tonight is about them and he feels bad leaving Jin alone. But he also wants Jin to rest. He turns out the light, closes the door, and returns to the party.   After Jin finally lies down, and just before he closes his eyes, he feels a sharp prick in his arm. He hears a familiar voice before he passes out.


It's been a month since Tae found out where Jin was located. Tae made sure everything was in order for his special day. "Eunwoo, I love you, but you know who I love the most, right?"  "Yes, Jin." Eunwoo replies.   Eunwoo has been sleeping with Eric for consolation.  Tae, being so caught up in his plans for Jin, knows something has been going on with Eunwoo but doesn't care to question him until now.  Tae now intends to use it against Eunwoo to benefit him in his plans for Jin.  

"You and Eric had sex?" "What?" Eunwoo is shocked and scared. "Last week, you fucked him in the basement conference room." Tae stands up and walk over, grabs Eunwoo by the throat, and jams him to the wall. "I'm sorry Tae. Please forgive me." Eunwoo is shaking. "Since you haven't been loyal to me, I need to know, are you going to make it up to me?"  "Yes, how can I make it up to you Tae?"  "We have a flight leaving for South Korea in three hours. Pack."    "Why?"   "Do not ask any questions, just do as I said."

They board the plane for Korea and land after a 15 hour flight. Tae smiles and says, "Happy Anniversary Jin, daddy's home." They check in at a hotel and the excitement from Tae makes him forget about Eunwoo betraying a loyalty to him. He has one goal in mind, Jin. 

"Why are we here Tae?"  "Jin."  Tae is direct and looks Eunwoo straight in the eyes.


After JK left Jin in the guest bedroom, Jin starts to feel a little hot.  He gets up and opens the balcony door to the room for a little air.  After the room gets cooler, he gets up to close the door but being tipsy, he forgets to lock it. Jin is on the bed and falling asleep, and hears a sound, but before Jin can move or cry-out, he feels something sharp penetrates his arm.  Jin hears a whisper in his ear, " Happy anniversary, I'm back baby."  His sight gets blurry and he instantly passes out.


Tae had scoped out Jin's house, security, and points of entrance. It was just his luck that Jin forgot to lock the door.  The guest was in the front area of the house and Tae's point of entrance was the back. He had felt defeated when he noticed the gathering at the home, but he planned this day just for Jin and was determined to be with him.

"Drive!" Tae shouts to Eunwoo as he holds Jin's limp body in the back seat. Tae moves Jin's hair from his face. "You're still so beautiful. I will never leave you like that again. I know it was hard without me. I miss you Jin. I told you I will be back." Tae lends forward and plants a kiss on Jin's lips. Eunwoo looks in the rear-view mirror at Tae talking to a passed out Jin. He smiles, but when he sees Tae actually kiss Jin, he becomes jealous.

"Why are we stopping Eunwoo?"   "I need some air."   "Fuck your air, drive. We are three hours out. Get your damn air when we get to where we are going." Tae shouts at Eunwoo. "I just can't do this Tae." Eunwoo's jealousy causes him to speak out. "Do what? I told you what his was. Oh, wait you thought that you will have to stay. You are booked to fly back tomorrow. Kim SeokJin is flying to the states."  "What, I don't understand?" "I will explain later just fucking drive!" 


JK so desperately wanted to get back to Jin that after an hour, the last guest left and JK goes to check on Jin. He opens the door and Jin is nowhere to be seen. "Jin!" JK calls out for Jin. "Maybe he went upstairs where it is cooler".  JK goes upstairs and searches every room. Panic begins to set in. "Jin baby, I give up. You got me. I was never good at playing games. Please come out Jin."

JK runs back downstairs to the room Jin was in and notices the balcony door unlocked and his heart calms down. He is thinking maybe Jin is outside and didn't hear him call his name. He opens the door and Jin is not outside.  JK searches everywhere, then falls to his knees after finally realizing Jin is gone. "Jin, Nooooo! Please." JK cries out.


Tae, Jin, and Eunwoo arrive at the cabin and Tae chains Jin to a bed. Jin is still passed out. Tae pours him and Eunwoo something to drink. Tae strips off his clothes and removes Eunwoo's clothes also. Tae begins to caress Eunwoo's face. "Now as I was saying, Kim Seokjin has to be on that plane in the morning."  "How are we to do that?" Eunwoo asks while moaning to Tae kissing on his neck. "You. I got a new ID for you, and I obtained a new passport also just for you. You see when I chose you, I saw Jin in you. You were perfect. You still are. They need to think Jin left for the states. That's why I need you on that flight." Tae says as he massages Eunwoo's cock.

Tae knows how to calm Eunwoo and make him submissive. "Okay but." "There is no but. You said you wanted to make it up to me. This is what it is. I left my house in the States to you. I will visit occasionally. Maybe you and Eric can continue doing y'all thang."

Tae puts on a condom, has Eunwoo to straddle on top of him, and Tae moves Eunwoo up and down harshly on top of him. Tae has rough sex with him twice. After sex Tae cleans up and goes and lies beside Jin while Eunwoo sleeps by the fireplace. 

It is 4 o'clock in the morning and Tae and Eunwoo leaves for the airport, afterward Tae watches as Eunwoo boards the plane. Tae returns to the cabin and finds a conscious and crying Jin. 


Tae is back at it again.  Thanks for your continued support.  

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