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While heading to his office, JK sees Jin packing. He can't stop looking at the guy he loves so much but despise at the same time. Jin feels JK's presence but he keeps his head down because he doesn't know where Tae is at the moment. He is almost done when JK approaches the desk.

"So, you're leaving?" Jin keeps his head down and doesn't answer JK. Jin thinks, 'What do I do? I want to touch him. I want to talk to him and tell him how sorry I am, how miserable I have been without him, tell him that Tae beats me, just,'  Jin jumps and comes out of his thoughts when he feels a familiar touch. "Are you done baby, it's time to go." Tae asks Jin as he looks at JK who is still standing by Jin's desk. "Yes. I'm done." Jin says while thinking, 'Say something JK don't let me go, grab me or something, please.'

"May I have a word with my husband?" JK asks feeling it's beneath him to even ask. "Your husband, Jin you didn't tell him about the divorce papers? Jin quickly looks at Tae surprised. Tae digs his fingers into Jin's back which causes Jin to answer in the affirmative. No one but Yoongi notices what Tae is doing to Jin. "I'm sorry, I didn't mention it. I was going to tell him but," Jin shakes his head and puts his head down. Yoongi stands up and Jin sees it and shakes his head signaling Yoongi to stop. Yoongi sees the fear in Jin eyes and stops.

"You are divorcing me Jin?"  "Y-Yes JK."   Jin answers stuttering while not being able to look at JK.   "And whatever you have to say to Jin, you can say it to me too. He is mines now and we hold nothing back from each other." Tae smirks as he takes a dig at JK for what happened earlier.

"Very Well. Jin, I still love you." JK says without reservation. 'I can barely keep focus. He utters the words I want to hear but under better circumstances. What do I do, I'm afraid of Tae but yet feel embolden by JK's admission. Please Tae, let me go!'   Jin mourns in the fact that his thoughts can't become reality.   

"You hear me Jin? I still love you." With that Jin with an ecstatic heart looks up at JK. "What happened to your face Jin?" Tears begins to fall down Jin's face. "Tae, you did this to him?" JK is about to hit Tae but Jin jumps in the way. 'What am I doing? Why am I protecting Tae?' Jin thinks but within his heart, the actual reaction is in protecting JK and not Tae. "Please JK, don't make this worse than what it is. We are leaving, come on Tae lets go." Jin thoughts are discombobulated. 'I can't believe I did this, and in the open. What am I doing? What is JK thinking? I know I hurt him more.'

Tae and Jin arrive home. "You had to fucking look at him huh?" Tae pushes Jin onto the sofa. "I told you what I will do to you." Tae takes off his and Jin's clothes, takes his tie and ties it around Jin's neck. He tightens it while having sex with Jin. He gets up, carries Jin upstairs, throws Jin on the bed, pours water on Jin, and hits him with a belt several times. Jin screams out in pain. afterwards Tae sits next to Jin who is crying.

"This time I'm not going to kiss it and make it better. I'm tired." Tae says as he lies next to Jin and falls asleep. Jin is too afraid to make a move. So, he just lies there while Tae is cuddling him in his sleep. Jin wonders why when Tae caresses his wounds, he feels like he does. 'Why is his touch on my wounds so soothing. How can I be this way? Get up Jin, get away." Jin tries to move and turns to look to see if Tae is still sleep.  Tae' eyes is piercing him.  "Where are going?"    "To the restroom." Jin tries to be confident in his answer.  Tae lets go of Jin and turns his back to him. Jin gets up and goes into the bathroom. He stands in the mirror and sees the dried semen and whip marks on his body.

'He is not going to let me go. Where is my will to escape? How do you fear someone and allow pleasure to become a part of it? How do you hate someone but don't want to see them hurt? How is the physical hurt he inflicts now an escape from the state I am in?  Why am I standing here compromising my life around him?'  Jin thinks to himself and then remembers that he has spent to much time in the restroom.  "I need to get back to where he is, so he won't get upset." Jin mumbles to himself. Jin opens the bathroom door and Tae is standing there. "I changed my mind; I do want to make it better. I started the hot tub for us."

Tae grabs Jin's hand gently and leads him across the hall. The room light is dim and soft music is playing. Tae steps in first and helps Jin into the tub. "Do you like this?" Tae asks Jin and Jin thinks before answering him.  'The mood is just right for what I have gone through since I've  returned this place.  The scene is beautiful and relaxing. I don't want to care about anything, I just want this calmness right now.'  Jin answers, "Yes, Tae I like it. Thanks."

Tae sits Jin between his legs with Jin's back on his chest. He begins planting small kisses on Jin's neck and whispering to him. "You see baby, when I get mad and punish you, it causes us to have make-up time like this. I want you so much."

'Why are his words welcoming? I don't want this but it's like I need this. The hand that hurts me is now pleasuring me.'   Jin, now has only his thoughts to confide in which offers no outlet.  Tae removes his hands off of Jin's cock that has become stiff. "Look at me Jin." Jin turns to look at Tae. Tae grabs Jin's waist and lifts him onto his cock, and now they are having sex. 'What is happening? I accepted him inside me. I want him inside me.'  Jin moves to Tae's rhythm and gets lost in the moment.


So, what are you going to do JK? Yoongi asks. "You saw him. He protected Tae. What am I supposed to do?"  "If I remember what I have read about abused victims, that can be a behavior an abuse victim exhibits. They put their abuser interest before their own."

"I told him I still love him and he just acted as if I didn't say anything. Maybe I'm a fool Yoongi, maybe I need to sign the divorce paper when they come."   "Divorce papers?" Yoongi is in shock. "Jin said he is divorcing me."  "This is all Tae's doing. Please don't give up on Jin bro. You know Tae's temper. Jin is just trying to survive. We will think of something. Give it time."   Yoongi pats JK on the back.

"He is abusing him Yoongi, how much time do we have?"  JK sighs.  "I need to leave early. I can't be here now."  "Don't worry JK, when Jimin come in, both of us got it for you. Please just don't do anything stupid. Whatever you're planning, leave it alone. Think of Jin."    "That's the point Yoongi, I am. I have to go." JK gets up and opens the door to leave. "Please JK, go straight home." Yoongi pleas with JK.  JK leaves without responding.

JK goes back to his and Jin's house. He enters and goes to the bedroom. He notices things out of order in their room. He picks up Jin's broken phone and sits on the floor and looks around. Memories of Jin and him begins playing in his mind. He becomes angry. He brings his knees to his chest and puts his head down and begins crying. "Why did you do this Jin? Why did you do this to us? I still love you. Make me believe you don't want this divorce, what do I need to do? My Jin, please don't end us." JK cries out and weeps uncontrollably.  


An abuse victim has many conflicts that plays out in survival and in emotional modes.    

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