Love was a choice.

And she has made her choice.

And deep down, she hoped, her choice would be her first, and her only one.


“Mama please hurry up!” Pleaded her intent daughter from the back seats.

Elsa chuckled from the driver’s seat and nodded affirmatively, eyes fixed on where she’s headed as she drove the light blue convertible, “Easy, Claire-bear. We should be there in a few, Aiden’s neighborhood isn’t too far away.”

“What does Aiden's house look like?”

“Pretty and simple,” Well she couldn’t find other better words to describe it. She recalled the sight of the primal white fences and the equally pristine painted outer walls, all located on the greener and better suburbs outside NYC, “You’ll love his pet dog Cyra, too.”

At the mention of a furry companion it added gasoline to the fire of excitement that swirled within the little girl’s energetic spirits, so Claire sagged in her seat and hugged her stuffed bunny tightly in anticipation. Elsa followed various turns and onward paths, before finally parking by the driveway before the garage.

Faithful barks welcomed the CEO’s way as she assisted her child with her seat belt. Elsa gave the rhapsodic Charles Spaniel’s head a pat and carried her daughter down from the car, letting the girl laugh at the thrilled dog who did spins after meeting a new friend.

“Why hello there Cyra,” Elsa smiled, reclaiming her four-year-old’s hand in hers as she walked towards the widely opened entrance.

Her heart tugged at her chest when she saw him already leaning against the door, sensually wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he strived to kiss her cheek but acquired one on his lips instead, (she couldn’t resist) “Hi,” He spoke.

She blushed furiously and murmured a greeting of her own back.


“What a good surprise to see you come along with your mama, little miss,” Aiden grinned, effortlessly lifting the girl up into a hug, “How have you been kiddo? I haven’t seen you in a while. I’ve been... busy,” He shot Elsa a light smirk, “School fine?”

“Yup!” Came Claire’s giddy reply, “Can I-?” Her eyes motioned inside, and Aiden and Elsa shared a look and nodded simultaneously, “Why not? Come in, the two of you. Mom’s inside making pie.”

Hand in hand, mother and daughter entered the house with Claire seemingly tracing every crevice of the homely place with interest, the roaming aroma of cherries drowning her nose. Aiden led them to the dining table where a lump formed in Elsa’s throat.

Helena Fireheart turned around 360° and untied the laces of her apron all the while shooting her shrugging son a teasing glare. She concentrated her delighted gaze on the CEO and the child bashfully squeezing her mother’s hand.

“I’m sorry about the ruckus dearie, my son told me he has a girlfriend just last night like the handsome idiot he is,” Helena smiled widely, bringing the younger woman into a hug which Elsa gladly accepted, “You must be the gorgeous Elsa my son gushes about twenty four seven. Both of you can call me Mama Helena,” She lowered her height equal to the preschooler hiding her face behind her mother's skirt, “And you, you must be little Claire. What an adorable young lady.”

Claire bowed her head a bit and blushed, “T-thank you.”

Helena smiled and returned to her full height, and taking Elsa’s hands in hers, she smiled and dropped her voice into a whisper, “Don’t worry, I am aware of who you are and it’s okay, love shouldn’t be concealed because of rank. And the little girl...” The older mother’s eyes warily darted to a shy Claire, “No need for explanations. I knew, Aiden told me.”

Elsa sucked in a nervous breath, “O-oh. Okay.”

Her eyes wandered about to her lover’s; Aiden mouthed a readable apology. She merely shook her head as if to say that there are no apologies needed to be said.

Carrying the large plate of the smoking baked pastry, Helena grinned and tilted her head towards the direction of her garden, “Let’s go to the garden and get us some fresh air. I whipped up a pie, hope you like cherry.”

Aiden secured an arm around Elsa’s and winked, “It's a real crowd pleaser. Your name’s Elsa, just in case.”

Elsa giggled and rolled her eyes at this.

And there she finally knew, there was nothing to be worried about in the first place.

To be continued
on the next chapter...

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