My stomach drops, it's been something I've been trying not to think about.

"Yeah," I mutter, suddenly wishing I was back at that cottage with Abby, "I just need to talk to Jimmy first."

Steve hasn't tried to push the subject with me, or what specifically is on the tapes. He only knows it has to do with my father and David, but not why I'd need to discuss it with Jimmy.

If people see what's on those tapes, and what David helped my father do - what he told my father to do. Nothing he says will be believable after that. They'll know what he's capable of. They'll see it. It'll also make all the shit he's covering up easier to believe and help fuck over everyone he's associated with.

It'll also ruin his reputation and name, forever.

Showing those tapes and what happened to me is worth that.

He gives my shoulder another pat, "Not to rush you, do it when you're ready but it's gonna need to be sooner than later."

I nod, and Steve gestures head towards the living room, "Now c'mon, we can talk about all that another time. Lets go make sure Jimmy isn't up to too much trouble."

"He's always up to trouble," I mumble to myself as we turn and walk up the hallway.

Steve smiles to himself, "Yeah it's why I fell in love with him unfortunately."

I roll my eyes, but smile to myself and I'm thankful Steve can't see me.

Abby and Jimmy are sitting on the couch when we get into the living room, while Ludo is sniffing around.

I then watch him make a run towards the back door, obviously forgetting this house doesn't have a doggy door and runs face first into it with a hard thud.

Dammit Ludo.

I really need to install a doggy door like Jimmy and Steve have.

I walk towards the back door and open it to let him out the back, while hearing Jimmy and Abby continue to chat and when i turn around Steve has sat down on the arm of the couch next to Abby.

"So you can wear whatever you want, Peaches, there's no dress code. Only person that has requirements on that is this dickhead," Jimmy says, pointing over to me.

Abby looks to me with a perplexed expression and I sigh, shaking my head, "You don't wanna know, trust me."

I still can't believe I agreed to this shit.

Abby's curious expression only grows, but Jimmy catches her attention again to continue rambling on about their wedding.

"So after the ceremony we're having the after party at Harry's club, it's gonna be wild," he says, leaning back against the couch and smacks his hand against his knee.

"So it'll be a typical night at that club then?" Abby states more so then asks.

"Pretty much, but we got somethin special planned, don't we Styles?" Jimmy says with a sly look towards me and I glare at him, "So make sure you've got an outfit planned for that to Peaches."

I really can't believe I agreed to this.

I hum out an annoyed, "mhmm" in response.

"So what'd you two love birds get up to on your time away anyway? Peaches is walking better than I expected," Jimmy looks between us and gives Abby a once over like he's impressed.

Abby shoots me a look, as if she's wondering if she should mention the one main thing they obviously don't know yet.

I fold my hands behind my back, standing near the couch, and give her an encouraging nod.

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