Start from the beginning

Adam had brought all the roses that the flower lady had in total there were 50 roses. As you all know I had never ever had this in my life and I think I always expected the worst so when this happened you can imagine my relief.

After a while we went back to our group with me carrying all those roses.

Since we had been together our two groups of friends had joined and now we had a massive group of friends that came visiting all the time. In this group of friends we had friends that smoked pot and used ecstasy and other drugs. They never did it at our house only while they were out but one night when it was Grants week they all came over and we had a bonfire and some drinks. A couple of people had a joint and they passed it to me. I had bad memories from pot but I had a smoke and then ended up in the shower really sick. I didn't like the way it made me feel, it was like everything was totally delayed but after a while I just got really tired. This night I was that sick that I sat on the bottom of the shower for what felt like hours and all I could do was cry. Adam came to check on me and when he saw me crying he jumped in the shower and sat with me and held me. He was fully clothed. Looking back it would have been funny if I wasn't so wasted.

A few days later Grant came to drop off Ava. When he came to the door Adam answered it. What I didn't know is that they were on the same submarine at one stage and I hadn't told Adam or Grant either persons name or what they actually did and to be honest I didn't really think about it. After Ava went inside and was out of earshot Grant lost it. He was swearing at me and calling all sorts of names, Adam stood between us and he was not happy with the way Grant was acting. I had to step in as I really thought they were going to fight. I told Grant to leave

"you cheated on me Grant, you have no right to say anything" I said to him as I walked him to the car.

"He's a fuckwit Emily, you'll see!" He said just as he was driving off.

Adam was furious he had gone inside to get his keys. I asked Tina if she could watch Ava for a little while as I didn't want him driving in this state alone. I thought I could calm him down. We got in the car and before I knew it we were at Grants house.

"Adam!! No please, let's go" he was having none of it

"he can not speak to you like that, I'm just going to talk to him and tell him that. It's ok Emily, trust me" well I did trust him so I sat in the car whilst he walked to the door and knocked. Grant came to the door. He was screaming all sorts of things at him then he started walking towards the car. I got out to try and calm him down and explain to Grant that Adam just wanted to talk to him but he wasn't going to listen. Adam followed him and said

"Grant this is between you and me not Emily" when Grant got close enough to me he pushed me in to the car and before I actually realised what had happened Adam grabbed him and pulled him away and punched him. There was a full blown fight right there in front of me. I tried to pull them apart but it wasn't going to happen. Adam kept hitting Grant

"don't you ever lay a fucking hand on her" he said. Finally I was able to pull them apart. Adam walked towards the car hardly a mark on him then he turned around and said calmly

"I just wanted to talk to you it didn't have to be like this" we got in the car and Grant was yelling as we drove off. Adam looked at me whilst driving

"no one can touch you Emily and I won't stand there and watch that happen".We got home and I explained to Tina and Dave what had happened. Tina was so angry she wanted to call Grant but I wouldn't let her.

Grant called me later and out of spite he said

"I'm not seeing Ava again" I cried and tried to talk to him and explain it wasn't Ava's fault and that she needed to see him but he didn't care. I thought over time he would calm down and everything would be fine. This made me sick physically.

For weeks I was sick and finally Adam said

"I'm taking you to a doctor, I think you are stressed and I'm not taking no for an answer". We got in the car and went to the doctors. Ava was at home with Tina. Tina was really worried about me I had lost so much weight.

When I got called in Adam said he would wait for me outside. I went in to see the doctor he asked a lot of questions and said

"it could be stress but is there a possibility you could be pregnant?" I didn't think so as we had used protection. He wanted me to take a urine test anyway so off I went to the toilet. I walked back in and he did the test. The 5 minutes that it took for that test to show negative went for what felt like forever. Then I heard

"Congratulations! Your pregnant". I sat there and cried.

"So you weren't planning this?" The doctor asked. Of course I wasn't! is all I could think. The doctor made me sit there until I had pulled myself together. How was I going to tell Adam? Was all that ran thorough my head. Then finally I had pulled myself together and stood up and grabbed the door handle slowly turning it and wishing with all my heart that it wouldn't open...

⚡️⚡️author notes ⚡️⚡️
Thank you for sharing my life with me. I appreciate your support. If you like my story so far please feel free to vote by clicking the ⭐️ xx Emily xx

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