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In the months leading up to our wedding day I was so busy.

What you all don't know is that since I had left school I had completed my Higher School Certificate, studied to become a hairdresser and became a nail technician. I had started my (first) business sharing a salon with another lady. Between my studies, work and having Ava I was really busy.

On the weekends mum and I would go shopping for materials for the girls dresses and organise all of my accessories. Mum and I did a calligraphy course so we could do out own invites. Finally it was all ready and we were going to get married on the farm. The wedding was only 2 weeks away.

I told you all about Nigel coming to visit, well like I said before this stuff happens to me and one night I went to bed as usual and was really tired from everything we had going on. I woke in the middle of the night and sat straight up in my bed. Standing at the end of my bed were about 7 to 10 people. I wasn't scared but I was a bit shocked. I could recognise anyone until I looked to the right and saw a dark haired man in a red checkered shirt, it was my Uncle Who had passed when I was a baby. The same one that visited me and mum saw him the night he passed.

Standing right at the front was an old lady. She was wearing a black dress with a lace collar. She was a larger lady with her hair in a bun and she was very stern looking. "Watch your back!" This lady said. Nothing more was said and then I looked over and shock Grant "Grant! Wake up there are people here". He sat up his eyes still closed as he was in a deep sleep. When I turned around to point at them they were all gone. "There's no one here Emily, go back to sleep" he said.

I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night as I wanted to call mum and tell her. I had been having back pain and the doctors where checking that I didn't have kidney problems so I thought this is what she was talking about.

Finally daylight came and I went straight to the phone and called mum to tell her. Mum asked me to come over so I got Ava ready to go and see Nanny. when we arrived I mum had a cup of tea ready for me and some toast for Ava. I explained to her again the faces that I saw. " follow me Emily" she said as we walked out the back door and walked in to her garage. In the back corner there was a lot of old pictures in really old frames. Mum flicked through them "Stop! Mum that's her, that's the lady that told me to watch my back" mum picked up the large frame and carried it back inside to my Great Uncle J. "Uncle J who is this ?" mum asked. "That's my great grand mother" he stated as a matter of fact. Well that hit me. I understood Nigel but my Great, Great, Great Grandmother I couldn't understand being so far removed from her that she would come and say this to me.

Mum, Uncle J and I talked for ages then I decided to got home as I had some tidying to do. When I arrived home the phone was ringing.
" Hello" I said, the phone was silent "Hello" after no one responded I hung up the phone and went to put Ava in for a nap. The phone rang again this time there was a voice that I knew well "I will be there in 5 hours you better watch your back bitch this time I'm not playing, I know where you live" I was so put back by this call I couldn't speak. He then told me my address so I knew he actually did know where I was. I hung up the phone and called Grant straight away "he's coming Grant, I'm going to mums. I only have a few hours and he will be here" I was so panicked. Grant told me to call Mum to come over because he was at least 3 hours away before he could be here.

I picked up the phone and called Mum "she didn't mean my kidneys Mum she meant Jay's coming, that's why I have to watch my back" I said "Emily slow down" "mum can you come over and help me pack, Jay's going to be here in 5 hours and Grant can't be here for 3 hours" mum said she would be over soon and in the mean time I was packing Ava's clothes and everything she would need. I got my clothes and everything I needed for the wedding.

When mum arrived I had pretty much gotten everything I needed. We put it all in the car and sped off. Grant came straight to Mums after work. We only had a few days before our wedding so he decided that we should head up early. He had some boys with him and they decided that they would all go and stay at the house that night and see if Jay arrived and we would head off the next morning.

Jay drove past a few times but he must have seen all the cars at our house so he didn't bother going in though he did manage to at sometime in the night slash most of the cars tires. He must have been disturbed as he didn't get to our car. New tires were required all round. We offered to pay for them but the boys would not accept the money. They just wanted us to head off and they would see us in a few days a couple of the boys decided to stay at or place to keep and eye on it and I was so grateful.

Well again we were off to the farm and the big day was closing in very quickly...

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