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After some time of feeding Ava she was taken to the nursery. I was taken to a room that I didn't have to share with anyone. Mum sat with me for a while until I started to fall asleep. She kissed my forehead and told me she would be back in the morning.

Because I was so small I had to have stitches you know where. I was still in pain but thankfully it was all done now.

I started dosing off but I was really concerned that Jay might turn up.The hospital staff had been warned about the situation but they were all female in the maternity ward so no match for Jay.

I must have been really exhausted because I saw woken to yelling and a voice I will never forget.

"WHERE IS SHE?" I heard Jay scream at the nurses. I heard the nurses (there were 4 of them) say "Calm down, you can't go in it is outside visiting hours and your not allowed near her". "Emily! Emily! Where the fuck are you? If you don't come out I'm going to fucking find you and you won't be here to see tomorrow" he screamed past the nurses. I hoped out of bed and took myself to the little bathroom I had in the room. I closed the door and locked it. I slid down the door and pull my knees in to my chest. My body was shaking so badly that I felt like I was convulsing. I cried so hard but tried to not make a sound.

"Calm down!" I heard another male voice. "Go and call the police" the voice said again. It was my doctor he had come out of the birthing sweat. Jay kept yelling out to me, I was under no illusion had he found me I would not have been here to write this.

This went on for over an hour the I heard the door slam and the nurses scurrying around. There was a knock at the bathroom door. "Emily, it's ok the doors are locked and he is gone" said the nurse from the other side of the door. "He'll be back" I whispered through my tears and taking in gulps of air. I stayed there for a while then there was another knock at the door "Emily! It's the police, you can come out". I opened the door and fell on to the police officers ares. To my surprise it was the one of the officers who had taken Jay out the back of the police station. "It's going to be ok, we will deal with him. You're going to be ok". "My baby! Where's my girl?" I asked. The officer looked at the nurse. "She's sleeping in the nursery, we don't have a name tag on her so he will never know. He also won't be back in this hospital, he's band" the nurse said.

The police officers stayed with me for a while. "Let's go see your girl, that way you can see she's ok" one officer said and he walked me down to the nursery. This was the first time I had seen her since her birth. My heart ached, she really was beautiful.

When we had finished the officer walked me back to my room and told me they were going to pay Jay a visit. He had broken the restraining order so he would be arrested.

Well this night I can tell you I could definitely not sleep at all.

Mum arrived early the next morning. The nurses had told mum what had happened the night prior. When mum walked in to my room she leant over and just held me. She didn't say anything as she knew it would upset me again.

A little later the local news paper came in and took a photo of Ava and I for the paper along with a lot of other women that had had their babies that week. I didn't think much about it but I am sure this set Jay off.
"Emily, Pa is next door with Great Nan lets take Ava over to visit". My great Nan was 99. This day we had 5 generations in 1 photo I didn't realize that this wasn't normal.

When I walked in my Pa hugged me and then held Ava. Great nan looked at me and said " pass me my great, great Granddaughter, she's mine" I had a little giggle at this. She was so proud and loved her name. We had to leave after an hour as visiting hours were over. Mum took me back to my room and then Ava to the nursery. Before she left she said "I'll bring you something nice for dinner, hospital food is terrible". I couldn't wait to eat I hadn't eaten in 2 days.

A lot of people can to visit and lot I hadn't seen for ages. Kylie brought me some dried flowers from my drama teacher with lovely card I still have to this day....

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