"I'm happy for him."

"Yeah, me too. You know who else will probably get together soon, Y/N and Namjoon."

Ugh, him again. Like he even deserves her.

"Don't remind me, I utter in disgust.

"I'm glad she's found someone, she's such a great person." Jimin cheerfully gushes.

Who needs someone greater than that cement block.

"Anyways, who else is going?" I inquire, trying to change the subject.

"You know, the rest of the office and Y/N." He answers.

Y/N's gonna be there? Stupid, Seolhee's her best friend. I don't think I should then...

"Oh, and Namjoon." He adds.

That man just doesn't quit! I have to go now, I don't want him pulling any funny business on Y/N.

"Peachy." I grit out.

"So, you're in?" He asks.


"Cool, see ya there.

"See ya."


I walk up to Hoseok and Seolhee's House with my gift in my hand.


Damn, how much money does Hoseok make at that restaurant???

I knock on the door. The door is open and reveals Seolhee.

"Hey Taehyung, glad you could make it." She says and smiles.

"No, thank you for inviting me." I reply. I give her the present and she walks ahead of me.

I walk in the living room and see Hoseok talking to Yoongi, Jimin, and Jin. They are all sitting on the left side of a brown sectional sofa. On the right is Eunjung who is now joined by Seolhee. Seolhee puts the present on the coffee table with the others before talking to Eunjung. I scan the rest of the room.

Where's Y/N?

Jin notices me and waves at me.

"Glad you could make it Taehyung!" Jin exclaims.

"Glad to be here," I answer.

"Hey, Kim." Jimin warmly greets. Yoongi just nods and I nod back.

"Oh, hey. Food and drinks are set up in the kitchen, grab what you like." Hoseok says.

"Will do," I say and walk towards the kitchen. I walk through the dining room and stop when I hear snickering a few feet in front of me where the kitchen is. I shift a little so I can see who's in there without stepping inside and I see Y/N and Namjoon.

"And that's when the beast ripped the man apart with its jaws," Namjoon says, clasping his hands together.

"Stop, no way!" Y/N exclaims, eyebrows raised and eyes wide.

It's always him, isn't it?

I grunt in disapproval and glance at the patio that is separated by a glass door in the dining room.

Let me just take a breather.

I slide open the door and step out into the late November night. I walk forward and put my hands in my jean pockets, taking in the firelike colors of the leaves that have yet to fall off the trees. I am only out there for about 5 minutes before I hear the glass door slide open behind me. The person closes the door with a click and I turn around to see who it is. It is Y/N in an adorable black crew sweater and a pair of black jeans. She walks over to me.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" She asks.

"It was a little stuffy in there, I needed some air," I answer.

"Are you sure? You've been acting weird lately."

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't contacted me in a while."

Shit, she noticed?

"I've been busy." I muster, making up an excuse.

"Yeah, sure."

We both stare ahead for a few moments.

"Guess this is the last we hang out huh?" I say, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" She questions.

"The case is done, and the money is being transferred tomorrow."

"So what?"

"So, we won't have a business anymore." Y/N walks closer to me and punches me in my arm. "Ahh! The hell was that for???" I rub my arm.



"We are friends, I'm not going to throw you away just because you're not my employer. You're an important person in my life now." We stare into each other's eyes. I look down at her hand.

How would it feel if I just....

Without another thought, I slip into hers.

"What are you doing?" She asks confused, but not struggling.

"My hand is cold, be quiet," I say. We turn back to the scenery in peaceful silence.

I'm starting to feel something for you Y/N....and you don't even know it.

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