Taehyung's POV

After Y/N and I had a great time at the cafe she insisted on dropping me off at home. When we in front of the house she gasps.

"Wow Taehyung, you have a nice house." She says in awe. Our house isn't that big, it's medium-sized. A traditional Korean house. In front, there are three windows, one in the kitchen, one in the living room, and one for my room. "How long have you lived in it?"

"Since I was born. It was my grandfather's house. When he died, my parents moved in." I say and instantly regret saying parents.

I hope she doesn't ask.

"Well, I'll see you later Taehyung." She turns back to me. I grab my phone out of the cup holder and walk into the house. I walk into the living room to check on my father and he isn't there. I run up the stairs to his room, opposite mine, and open the door. He's in his bed taking a nap. I quietly close the door and go into my room. I lay on my blue comforter and pull my phone out of my back pocket. When I turn on the phone I see a message from "wife." My eyes go wide. I turn the phone around.

This is the same model as my phone, so what's going on?

I look back at the lock screen and it's a field of sunflowers. Mine is a Spongebob meme.

What the hell. This isn't my phone.

I try to swipe it open, but it needs a password. Giving up I read the text. I decide to read the text.


-Honey, can you pick up some milk

-I want to eat cereal.

This is obviously Y/N's phone, she's the only person I had contact with today. But my question is, who is Wife? Is she actually married or is this just a friend. Damn, I honestly don't know anything about her. Wait, I still need my phone.

I hop out of my bed and grab my door nob. Then it hits me.

I can't bring her phone back to her. I don't know where she lives. And I know she isn't still outside. I don't want to leave dad either, damn.

I let go of the nob and let my head hang low as I walk back to my bed.

I'll just give it to her tomorrow. Might as well charge it for her. The real question is how did I get it.

I collapse on my bed and start thinking. Then everything makes sense.

The cupholder in the car, she put her phone there too. I wasn't even paying attention. I just wanted to get out of there before she got too curious. Wait a minute she has my phone then.

I drag my hands down my face at that realization.

Oh no. I really hope hyung doesn't text me anything weird.

I start to become anxious at all the possible things that could he could text me. There all embarrassing.

Nope, not gonna think about that. We'll just have to wait and see.


The next day I wake up, grab the phone, and go eat breakfast. I set the phone on the kitchen table and I grab a bowl out of the cabinet. I go to the fridge to get the milk and I hear the phone vibrate. I ignore it and continue to make my breakfast. I go to the pantry and pick out the cereal I want.

I'm feeling Marshmallow Treasures today.

I grab the box and put it on the counter. I see the purple octopus on the front turn upside down as I turn over the cereal pouring it into the bowl. There should be a leprechaun there, but we needed to save money. I get the milk and pour it in the bowl and return it. I go grab a spoon and sit and the kitchen table next to the phone.

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