Seolhee pulls me into the bushes.

"Are you trying to get us caught??" She whispers.

"To be honest, I don't even here. I would've preferred to spend my Saturday laying in bed watching Netflix." I dryly voice. My back and thighs are burning; we've been crouching behind a bush next to Home Depot's garden for thirty minutes. I turn my attention back to the oranged-haired man inspecting the plants of the Garden. He smiles at a dwarf lemon tree and walks off into the store. He comes back with an orange-vested Home Depot worker who is pushing a metal platform cart. The orange-haired man directs him towards the lemon tree, and the Home Depot worker lifts it onto the cart when the cart is loaded, both return into the door.

"Why is Hoseok buying a tree?" Seolhee questions, getting up from her previously crouched position next to me. I follow suit, and we both walk to my car.

"Maybe he wants to start a new project?" I suggest and shrug my shoulders.

"You think his new project would be growing a tee? That man is so busy it will end up dying, he knows that too." Seol says, unconvinced.

"Change of scenery?" I pull open the door to the driver's seat.

"As if!" She huffs and opens the door to the passenger's side. We both sit in our seats and close our doors.

"What I don't understand is why I have to help you stalk your boyfriend." I let out a breath and lean my head back on my headrest.

"One, you're the one with a car. Two you're my best friend, meaning you have the best judgment."

"I guess, but you owe me food after this." I close my eyes briefly to rest them. Five minutes later, my peace is interrupted by Seolhee shaking me.

"Look, he already put the tree in the back seat. He's about to pull out, start the car!" Seolhee panics. I shoot my eyes open and take out my keys from my purse on the armrest. I put the keys in the ignition and wait for Hoseok to start driving. I pull out of the parking space we were just in and subtly follow Hoseok's vehicle.

He drives for a while and eventually pulls into the parking lot of a Toys-R-Us.

This man surpassed the age of twelve many years ago; the hell is he doing?

I try to shake off negative thoughts; he's still my friend.

"Why is he here? Should we follow him in?" Seolhee asks.

"I don't think we should; he might catch us," I comment.

"Come on. We just have to be careful!" She gets out of the car.

Great, more moving on my LAZY Saturday.

I grunt and exit the car. We both follow Hoseok into the store at a safe distance. We trail behind him as he passes the doll section. He stops and looks from side to side. He then furrows his brow.

"Why does it feel like I'm being watched?" He thinks out loud.

Does he know?

My eyes go wide. Seolhee immediately pulls me behind a display cluttered with large dolls. Our faces are the only thing uncovered in a small gap. The border of our faces is covered as well.

"He's going to see us," I whisper.

"No he won't, just smile and don't blink." She and I both smile tightly before Hoseok turns around.

"Huh, I guess not. Wait." His eyes dart to the doll display we are hiding behind, and he walks closer.

This is not good.

Bubbling over (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora