What now?"

I turn to the road and start waving my hands around to signal for help. A white pick up truck filled with a group of women.

"Hello, sweetheart." A woman says. She has red hair and catlike eyes. She wore a white scarf and a white puffy coat.

"Hi, would you happen to have a cable?" I ask politely.

"I believe so." A brunet next to the redhead responds. She has on a denim jacket and her hair is in a low bun.

"May I use it?" I request.

"And what would a fine lady like yourself do for it? With a body like that, I think we can come up with something." Another woman with jet black hair and thick make-up says. She wore a red leather jacket with a black hoodie underneath. She smirks at me while licking her lips.

I feel very uncomfortable right now.

"I don't think I can provide what you're looking for," I say.

"You're on your own then sweet cheeks." The woman driving says and they speed off.

Oh wow, they were something else. Rude much?

I wave for a little longer and finally see a cop car stopping by my car.

"Hello, ma'am, are you having trouble?" A man in uniform questions, stepping out of the driver's seat and shutting the door. His partner steps out of the passenger and she walks to his side.

"Yes, my car ran out of battery. Could you help me bring it back to life?"

"Wait, did you run into that tree right there." The policeman asks, raising a brow at my car.

"Yes, but-"

"Miss, I'm going to have to ticket you."

"You didn't even let me explain."

"It doesn't matter. Long story short, you still ran into a tree." He pulls out a yellow pad and pen. He starts scribbling things on it.

"Sir, I don't think that is necessary."

"I didn't ask you what you thought."

My day just got a whole lot shittier.


Already thirty minutes late, I barged into the room out of breath and with my bag in my hand. My breath was heavy and I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead. It feels as though I have run a marathon, that's how out of shape I am at the moment. I look up at the judge who seems to be listening to Taehyung defending himself. She looks unamused with her elbow on a surface propping up a chin. She raises a skeptical eyebrow mid-sentence of Taehyung's explanation, now frowning. Taehyung is dressed nicely, a thing I'm used to by this point. His face held a polite smile while speaking and his hands were making several gestures to explain his idea.

"Yes, that is how it happened. " Taehyung finished.

"And how do you know this, Mr.Kim ?" The judge inquired.

"The question is, how do you know this, your honor?"

What the fuck is doing? He's so shameless, with a straight face! If only I got here sooner. I have to fix this.

I walk to my side of the courtroom and greet the judge.

"My apologies, your honor, there was an unexpected issue that came up," I said.

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