Chapter 4 - 2012 Summer in Busan

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Lisa finally arrived in Busan full of hopes that she'll be able to live like a regular person. An ordinary teenage girl trying to fit in her new surroundings. She told Seulgi and Wendy she won't be joining them at the same university. She prefers a quieter life in Busan. She promised to keep in touch as well. Her parents don't want to send Lisa away but she really begged for it so in the end they gave in and agreed for as long as Lisa would follow their terms about her staying somewhere far. Her parents still wish they could change her mind.

Lisa was at the cafe when she heard the cashier and a customer were in a heated conversation.

"Yaaaah, I ordered for an Ice Americano why did you give me a hot choco? Do you think I am a kid?" She was offended and felt the cafe staff was not paying close attention to the customers because he was wearing a headset.

"Miss, I already tender this on the POS. I can't void the transaction I don't have my superior around to override the system. Just drink it. Hot choco is one of our best sellers here." He tried to explain.

"I will surely talk to your manager. You are not doing your job properly." She said.

Lisa wanted to settle them because her me-time got interrupted because the two were arguing and no one would like to back down. She walked towards the counter.

"What seems to be the problem here, Sir?" She politely asked the cafe staff.

"I accidentally tender the wrong order." He filled her in the details.

"Just give her another order so she won't get mad at you," Lisa suggested.

"I can't it will be charged on me, Ma'am." He reasoned out.

"Aigooo, so it is not my problem anymore. You admitted yourself it is your mistake." The girl interjected.

Lisa turned to look at her. She thought for a small girl she's too brave to be quarreling with a tall cashier. The girl's visual is remarkably astonishing that Lisa couldn't take her eyes off of her. She cleared her throat like there was a lump of foreign material stuck in there and looked at the cashier instead to focus. "If you don't mind I'll gonna take it." The cashier glance at Lisa's unattended table earlier. She already has a cup of hot choco that she ordered earlier. The cashier was giving Lisa an  'are you sure' look.

The two then looked at her. "Wow, you're cool. Okay, I'll make an Ice Americano for this tiny troll." The staff grinned and gave a subtle look to Lisa.

Lisa giggled after his remarks about the girl next to her at the counter. 

"What did you say? Who's a troll? Who's a tiny troll?" The girl scowled at him then turned to look at Lisa. "Did he just call me a tiny troll? And why are you laughing? Is that something funny?"

"Oh, sorry. Trolls are cute. I watched it a couple of times."

"Are you a kid? You still watch those?" She commented based on Lisa's statement.

Lisa nodded. "It's for the entire family, not just kids." She felt the need to defend herself because the girl has judged her already.

"And why did you buy that hot choco. This guy won't learn to do his job properly because you are helping him in the wrong way."

"Don't worry this will be the last. He'll learn his lesson." Lisa positively answered.

"Are you new in this place? We don't do that in here. You must be from the city." The girl looked at Lisa from head to foot. 

"How did you know that?"

"You hella look so expensive. We don't wear fashionable clothes here in Busan. People wear typical clothes. You're too fancy." She commented sassily which offended Lisa in a way. 

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