Chapter 26 - Cafe

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Third Person's POV

Irene was finally back to reality. She realized Lisa had been long gone and she needed to move on as well. A part of her misses her so much. Today's Lisa's 4th death anniversary, the reason she went to visit her grave. Joy was able to fetch her at the nearby bus station. She remembered she promised to check the new cafe, though Lisa is gone and had no idea of this new cafe she still wanted to order a slice of Red Velvet cake for her. But unknown to her Heechul and her mom followed her secretly to make sure she's doing fine. They sat at the far end area of the cafe. People started to occupy other seats because it is the soft opening.

Irene got inside the cafe, it was her first time checking the place and she could not argue with Lisa about how therapeutic it was to be staying in the cafe.

She had a huge smile on her face when she got her order and another one for take-out. Heechul approached her.

"Hey!" Heechul called Irene's attention.

"Hey, Doc, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just drop by to check this place. My friend suggested it."

"Really? Wow, it seems this place is getting quite popular."

"Yeah, I see that you already order. I am actually planning to treat you." Heechul said.

"Nope, I am good doc,"

"You like it much, right? You even got yourself a take-out." He commented.

"Oh, this one? This is not for me. This is for Lisa. I think she would love it. I will bring it to her dorm. For sure she's already waiting for me."

Heechul's eyes were full of shock. Just when he thought Irene's already well this happened. With the mental progress he did observe recently from the assessment. He didn't expect that Irene would then snap back to her past when Lisa was still around. Mrs. Bae witnessed this and just cried at the corner of the cafe. Both of them had given up. Irene's case was hopeless.

Heechul excused herself to comfort Mrs.Bae and let Irene took her seat at the other side of the cafe where she could freely see the outside view. She was reading Lisa's letters.

A woman with a full bangs sat in front of Irene.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" She was grinning like an idiot.

Irene just smiled back and nodded. Then she took out the other frappe from the plastic. "I think you would love this."

Heechul and Mrs. Bae exchanged glances at each other. First, both of them had the same question in mind but they chose to keep it by themselves. 

Irene blinked her eyes multiple times. "I thought I won't be seeing you again. You said I should forget about you." She pouted cutely and the girl in front of her couldn't help but giggle.

She didn't know what got into her that she traveled all the way to Busan. She knew herself she wasn't that drunk. instead of going straight home, she drove to Busan to see a glimpse of what was Lisa's life back in college. She was not able to visit her closest friend before because she was at the hospital for several years. She happened to pass by this newly open cafe nearby Kyungsung University and Lisa's dorm. She did not expect that there would be a lot of students to crowd the place since it's still daytime. She was left without a choice, she asked a stranger if she could join her table. The girl in front of her was still a stranger yet she somehow looked familiar. She chuckled when the girl pouted like a kid having tantrums. She didn't understand what the girl just said. Maybe she mistakenly thought she's someone that she knew. 

"Excuse me, are you waiting for someone? I can just find another seat."

Irene snapped and was embarrassed. She thought she saw Lisa. "I'm sorry, no I am alone it's okay, you can stay. We can share this table." She felt awkward and could not take back her offer about the drinks. "You can still have it." Irene pushed the drinks towards her.

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