Chapter 33 - That Night

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Few days ago the Manobans arrived in South Korea due to Mrs. Manoban needed to address the discrepancy that has been audited by an independent group to maintain the company's image which it upholds for so many years. There is no room for corruption within and outside the company.  However this issue changed everything and she must put an end to it and have the responsible person or people deal with the consequences.

There this one record that raised a lot of questions and concerns to the board members. Who tampered the data and for what purpose? They sent a team to investigate it until one name was revealed being behind all of that. The Manobans personally know him and trusted him like a family member. They wanted to hear from him first what he did that day. And why did he destroy the record and covered it for years.

Dr. Oh, he used to be one of the brightest scholars from Manoban Foundation. He's a trusted person and the Manobans have nothing but praises for him. They couldn't understand his motives of doing such illegalities. He acknowledged his wrongdoings but refused to confess everything to the panel. So the Manobans set a meeting with him to have a serious talk about what was done that night.

Mr. Manoban and Dr. Oh were heads on inside the huge office. He hated when people he fed and clothed would then turn against him and worst betrayed him. He has never resort into any forms of violence even if he's really mad. But he had to punch Dr. Oh for keeping a secret from them for several years. He was angered by the confession he made. His wife was as shocked as him when they heard some of the details of what had happen and where Dr. Oh went.

"Enough," Mrs. Manoban interfered. "You can't just hit a doctor, Darling. He must have his reasons." Despite being disappointed she still cared for him. She treated the scholars like her own children.

"You have no shame! You are nothing. You are standing in front of us like you accomplished a lot. But you are just a nobody without our help. I regretted sponsoring you to study abroad. You ungrateful-" He was cut off.

He held his bleeding nose. He deserved Mr. Manoban's wrath and he couldn't deny the fact that he was just telling the truth. He has been actually grateful and be forever indebted with them. That's why he did what he thought he could never do. He granted a single wish and it would take everything away from him because he agreed on it. He had been guilty for many years but he honored his promise. He couldn't turn back time. Everything just blew up when the auditing group did their job and dug such irregular activities. He was cornered to tell the truth.

"That's Ms. Manoban's wish and our protocol, Sir. We can never disclosed such information." He clenched his teeth and would want to stand his ground until the end.

"Who have them? I want to somehow see my daughter." Mrs. Manoban was holding her tears back. "Please Sehun, you have to at least let us know. We trusted you and we didn't know you can betray us like this. Gosh, my baby coaxed you to conspire with her. Why didn't you let us know?"

"My apology, Ma'am. I don't deserve the privilege I am enjoying until this day. I understand if you'll ask the professional board to revoke my licence. Also there has been an arrangement you could join me so you could meet this person."

"Thank you, Sehun." Mrs. Manoban could not contain her happiness. She could at least meet her daughter. Maybe she needed this closure. "We are not that evil, Sehun. You are treated like a family. Lisa considered you as his brother just the rest of the scholars. She had hard time growing up alone. And having the scholars around her made things better for her."

Dr. Oh tears fell. He failed Lisa. He promised not to tell a single soul however he was left without a choice.

"Who else knows about this?" Mr. Manoban asked. "And don't give me a bullshit answer. I want a name." He warned the young doctor. "I may consider not to throw you in prison cell. You have to be honest with us, Dr. Oh."

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